The backpacks used in the military are known for excellent durability and high quality. Therefore, it is not a surprise that many people choose to buy them even for regular use outside of the military. The high resistance allows you to place heavier things and still be secured while wearing them. For example, people interested in fishing and hunting prefer this option. Also, it has a compact size and a lot of additional pockets.
Military close and equipment are very popular in general, mostly because of the features like excellent design and high quality. If you are interested in buying that type of clothes, you should read more about camouflage clothing. Besides people who are in the military, and people who prefer fishing and hunting, we can notice that these clothes are also popular among hikers and those who like activities like airsoft and paintball because these models can provide a more realistic experience.
On the other side, there is a great debate related to whether it is useful to use military backpacks for hiking or not. You can find a lot of examples where people are trying to prove both things, the benefits and some disadvantages of wearing them for this sort of outside activities. In that matter, we are going to analyze more on this topic in the following article.
Main Features of Military Backpacks

As we already mentioned, the main characteristics of this model are related to amazing resistance, durability, and high quality. Also, it has a compact design with a lot of space for various tools and equipment that you can carry in it. However, they are bigger than regular backpacks, which is the main reason for a debate related to hikers, and whether it is a good idea to choose them or not. In that matter, it might feel less comfortable when you are wearing it while having to walk for a long distance. On the other side, there are some models specially designed for hiking, with additional layers on belts that provide more comfort.
Moreover, there is an issue related to potential injuries. The most common ones are injuries of the back, shoulders, and feet since it is a lot heavier than a standard backpack. There are some reasons for such deficiencies. According to some people who are working for the military, the officials might try to save some money by choosing less expensive materials, especially when it comes to parts that are not considered essential. Therefore, the lack of some design solutions and comfort should not be a surprise.
On the other side, you don’t have to worry about the load since you can place a lot more things, which can be very important for people who want to spend a couple of days in nature and still be able to carry everything in the backpack. You can choose some bigger models where you can store food for a few days, along with the tent, and lots of other essentials.
When it comes to design, most of the models have standard military color and focus on durability. Also, it is very efficient for organizing your equipment because there are many pockets and separate storage inside. Moreover, the additional features that make it a perfect option are an extra space where you can store a tent, a waterproof feature, and more.
Best Military Backpacks for Hiking

There is a wide selection of these products available on the market today. However, if your main goal is to wear it while hiking, you should choose models that are more suitable for that type of activity. For example, Condor is one of the best models, and one of the best features is related to its affordable price. Many similar products can be quite expensive, while this one can provide the same features, and it won’t affect your budget too much at the same time.
The weight is 1.3 kg, while it can store 22 liters in storage. Also, there are two extra pockets for water and food supplies. Another popular model is Crazy Ants. The best characteristic is related to the excellent storage capacity of 35 liters. It is perfect for those who are planning to take the tent and spend a couple of days in nature.
Furthermore, there is also a more comfortable solution if you find it the most important feature, and that is the model called Spec Ops. It has a decent capacity of over 22 liters, and great resistance to weight, water, and dirt. When we compare these models to hiking backpacks, the main features are related to durability and bigger storage. Still, if you are looking for improved comfort and lightweight, you should choose some version specially designed for outdoor activities

As you can see, it is not simple when you want to choose the right option when it comes to hiking. It depends on your needs and preferences. If you are planning to spend one day in the wild, maybe the best option is to choose a lighter model of backpack specially designed for hikers. On the other side, people who want to spend few days, and be able to carry a lot of stuff in the backpack, which will help them to avoid carrying more luggage in their hands, should opt for a military backpack that has much more storage space and great resistance.
The market is full of various types, sizes, additional features, and some unique characteristics. Moreover, many manufacturers are aware of the high popularity of outdoor activities, and they introduced some models that are targeting that group of people. For example, tactical backpacks combine various features that can be seen in both military and hiking options. If you find it complicated to choose the right option, consider personal preferences, the planned duration of your activities, the amount of storage, and more. Also, you should consider your budget as well, since some models can cost a lot of money, while there are more affordable options as well.