AD Disaster Recovery

AD Disaster Recovery Having a good disaster-recovery plan is vital Active Directory (AD) is the foundation for Windows 2000’s new technologies. AD serves as a central storage location and access point for a tremendous amount of information, making its health and availability crucial to your network’s ongoing operations. If AD …

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Windows 2000 Tips and Tricks, CD-ROM May Not Work Correctly After Upgrading

CD-ROM May Not Work Correctly After Upgrading To Windows ME or Windows 2000 If you have just upgraded to Windows Me or Windows 2000, or added some of the new media applications, you may have noticed that some of your CD-ROM drive features are not working as expected. Hopefully, the …

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Windows 2000 Tips and Tricks, CD-ROM in DMA Mode

Right-click on the My Computer icon. When the Computer Management window opens, click Device Manager. Now, double-click the IDE/ATA/ATAPI Controllers icon on the right pane of the window. On the presumption that your CD-ROM drive is connected to the secondary IDE bus/channel, double-click the Secondary IDE Channel icon. When the …

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Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Deployment Notes

Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Deployment Notes How to Download and Install Note The Windows 2000 SP2 Deploy Tools are not installed to a local directory on the hard drive, instead you must manually copy them from the cab file to the location of your choice. Click the SP2 Deploy …

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Safe Mode – Last Known Good Configuration

Safe Mode – Last Known Good Configuration Starts Windows 2000 using the Registry information that Windows saved at the last shutdown. Use only in cases of incorrect configuration. Last known good configuration does not solve problems caused by corrupted or missing drivers or files. Also, any changes made since the last …

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Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Windows®2000 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Updated: May 15, 2001 Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Professional Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Server SUMMARY On may 7, 2001, or about a week prior prior to the anticipated official release of Windows 2000 …

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Ipconfig This diagnostic command displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values. This command is of particular use on systems running DHCP, allowing users to determine which TCP/IP configuration values have been configured by DHCP. ipconfig [/all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter]] Parameters all Produces a full display. Without this …

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Windows 2000 – Windows Report Tool

Windows Report Tool An Overview of the Windows 2000 Report Tool You can use the Windows Report Tool to collect information about your computer that can be used by technical support professionals to diagnose and troubleshoot problems on your computer. Windows Report Tool takes a snapshot of your computer settings …

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Using Windows Update in Windows 2000

Using the Windows Update Tool Windows Update is the online extension of Windows 2000 that helps you get the most out of your computer. Using the Product Updates section of Windows Update, you can scan your computer for outdated system files and automatically replace them with the most recent versions. …

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Starting Windows 2000 in Safe Mode

Starting Windows 2000 in Safe Mode To start Windows 2000 in safe mode Click Print this page at the bottom of this window, and then click Print to print these instructions. They will not be available to you after you shut your computer down in the following steps. Click Start, and …

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