The Microsoft Mangement Console in Windows 2000 – Step-By-Step

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center UsingThe Microsoft Management Console Step-By-Step If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! Creating Console Taskpads If you are a system administrator who is able to delegate administrative tasks, and you have a need to …

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Setting Options for a Console File in the Microsoft Management Console

Setting Options for a Console File When creating consoles for workgroup managers or other users, you may want to restrict how the console is used. Console options can be set so that users can access only the tools that the administrator allows. To set console file options, follow these steps: …

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The Microsoft Mangement Console in Windows 2000 – Step-By-Step

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center UsingThe Microsoft Management Console Step-By-Step If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! Adding Windows and Customizing the Snap-in Display within the Console Now that you have developed your basic console and you have added …

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Windows 2000 – Enabling The Administrative Tools on the Start Menu

Enabling The Administrative Tools on the Start Menu If you’ve been looking for your Administrative Tools on the Start Menu or in the Program Menu and haven’t found them, don’t look any further, they’re not there! While the Administrative Tools are installed by default, the menu is not enabled. To …

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Fast Restart for Windows 2000

Fast Shutdown and Restart for Windows 2000 As most of us know, all Windows versions take their time shutting down and restarting, including Windows 2000. Unfortunately this happens to be one of those minor Windows irritants that just never goes away. While Windows XP (Whistler) looks promising, as it shuts …

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Exporting Your EFS Key

Encrypting the File System (EFS) Key If you use the Windows 2000 EFS (Encrypting File System) to protect your files, you may wish to back the key up by exporting it to a file. Remember, if the key is lost or corrupted, any files encrypted with that key will be …

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Bypassing BIOS Check when installing Windows 2000 on “D” Computers

Bypassing the Windows 2000 Installation Bios Check More an more computers are arriving with recovery CD-ROM disks created by the computer manufacturer on which will be found the Windows 2000 installation files hidden deeply in their directories. The only problem is that in order to use those installation files, you …

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Need to locate the MAC address of your network card in Windows 2000?

Need to locate the MAC address of your network card in Windows 2000? Some of the resources on the Internet are a bit misleading as to the tools available to accomplish many of the basic everyday tasks in Windows 2000. On site states that a tool, “getmac.exe” is only included …

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There's More to Task Manager Than Meet The Eye

There’s More to Task Manager Than Meet The Eye If you spend allot of time with Windows 2000, you’re probably wondering what more there could possibly be to the Task Manager that you haven’t already discovered. Well, it’s possible you may have stumbled onto this the same way we did, …

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New Machine and No Access to Windows Update?

New Machine and No Access to Windows Update? We cannot understand the reasoning behind it, but some computer manufacturers have chosen to restrict access to the Windows Update site, preferring instead that you download your updates from their Web site as opposed to Microsoft. Now this might be useful if …

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