Level 2 Cache Failure

Level 2 Cache Failure If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: Some BIOS’s perform tests on the level 2 or secondary cache to ensure that it is functioning correctly. If the level 2 cache in the system is …

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How To Pass Your CBR Theory Exam In 5 Easy Steps

The driving theory test is a significant part of obtaining a driving license and all individuals need to pass it before they take a higher step and start with practical driving lessons. Unfortunately, it seems like many people actually have trouble when it comes to passing this CBR theory exam. …

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Performance Center, Benefits of Increased RAM in Windows 2000

Benefits of Increased RAM in Windows 2000 Windows 2000 High End Winstone Results Test system with Intel Pentium III processor at 533B MHz Performance gain going to: 128MB 192MB 256MB From 64MB 41% 45% 47% Test system with Intel Pentium II processor at 350 MHz Performance gain going to: 128MB …

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CMOS Information Invalid

CMOS Information Invalid If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: During the startup process the BIOS has detected that one or more of the settings or parameters it has read from the CMOS memory is invalid. Diagnosis: Normally …

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Windows Me System Requirements : [Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Me, Windows Me basic installation, Windows Me using DVD, Windows Me using Media Player and handheld devices, Windows Me using digital media, Windows Me and Windows Movie Maker, Windows Me and CE devices]

Windows Me offers powerful multimedia capabilities, some of which require more system power than others. To find out which system requirements match the things you want to do with your computer, select any combination of features in the Optional Features column. VGA or higher resolution monitor Pentium 150MHz processor or …

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Mandatory Requirements to Enable Ultra-ATA

Ultra ATA/33, Ultra ATA/66, or Ultra ATA/100 compatible chipset or host adapter. There must be an Ultra ATA/33, Ultra ATA/66, or Ultra ATA-100 compatible chipset on your system motherboard or an Ultra ATA/33, ATA/66, or ATA/100 PCI host adapter card (for legacy systems) must be installed. In the case where …

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Windows Me System Requirements : [Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Me, Windows Me basic installation, Windows Me using DVD, Windows Me using Media Player and handheld devices, Windows Me using digital media, Windows Me and Windows Movie Maker, Windows

Windows Me offers powerful multimedia capabilities, some of which require more system power than others. To find out which system requirements match the things you want to do with your computer, select any combination of features in the Optional Features column. VGA or higher resolution monitor Pentium 150MHz processor or …

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184 Pin RIMM

184 Pin RIMM The 184 pin RIMM is used on motherboards using the latest Intel i820/i840 chipsets and is referred to as Rambus. The 184 pin RIMM module comes in both 16bit and 18bit ECC configurations, operating frequencies of 600MHz, 700MHz and 800 MHz and are available with memory ranges …

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100 Pin DIMM

An AGP inline memory module (AIMM, also known as a GPA or graphics performance accelerator) is a highly specially memory module used only in systems which utilize Intel’s 815E chipset and integrated graphics. AIMM upgrades are used improve a system’s overall video performance. In fact, a 4MB upgrade can improve …

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72 Pin SIMM

72 Pin SIMM The 72 Pin SIMM was the second generation of the SIMM family. They are typically found in the Intel 486, 486DX, 586 and some early Pentium desktop computer systems. They come in both 32 bit and 36 bit (parity) configurations, with memory ranges of 4, 8, 16 …

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