Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 Fixes

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Deadlock Condition Causes Socket Programs to Become Unresponsive If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Professional Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Server Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Advanced Server Windows Sockets (Winsock) Problems Windows 2000 installations where Service Pack …

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Windows 2000 File Protection Explained

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Windows 2000 Windows File Protection Explained If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! Windows NT versions prior to Windows 2000 do not prevent shared system files from being overwritten by program installations. Obviously, when these changes occur, you often experience all …

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Encrypting Files and Directories in Windows 2000

Encrypting Files and Directories in Windows 2000 Windows 2000 is equipped with the latest version of the NTFS file system, NTFS version 5, and with this latest version, you can encrypt individual files or entire directories while in Windows 2000 Explorer or from a command prompt. Here’s how Open Windows …

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Windows 2000 Tips and Tricks, Installation Monitor

Installation Monitor This command-line tool tracks changes made by Setup programs in any secondary processes they invoke, including changes to registry entries, files and .ini file entries. Installation Monitor creates an .iml file that documents all those changes, along with enough information to undo all the changes. You can use …

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The Microsoft Mangement Console in Windows 2000 – Step-By-Step

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center UsingThe Microsoft Management Console Step-By-Step If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! A long, long time ago, in the land of Redmond, a group of developers sought the creation of a more flexible interface …

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Using Windows 2000 Using Disk Cleanup

Using Windows 2000 Disk Cleanup Disk Cleanup helps free up space on your hard drive. Disk Cleanup searches your drive, and then shows you temporary files, Internet cache files, and unnecessary program files that you can safely delete. You can direct Disk Cleanup to delete some or all of those …

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Using the Microsoft QFECHECK Tool

Using the Microsoft QFECHECK Tool Based upon the way Microsoft concatenates or chains together their hot fixes, they have also created a problem as these new chained fixes actually undo some previously applied hot fixes. With that, Microsoft has released a command-line tool named Qfecheck.exe that will provide you with …

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Knowledge Center – Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! Whether you’re just considering the move to Windows 2000 or you’ve decided to take the plunge and install Windows 2000, we can help. Unlike previous Windows operating systems, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98 …

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Windows 2000 System Information

System Information Overview The System Information tool is used to collect and display your system configuration information. You can use this specific information about your computer when troubleshooting your configuration. You can use System Information to quickly find the data needed to resolve your system problem. System Information displays a …

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Windows 2000 Character Map

Press and hold the ALT key, and then press the keys on the numeric keypad that represent the decimal code value of the character you want to input. After you finish typing, release the ALT key. Windows 2000 generates the character you specified and passes it to the foreground program. Note: …

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