What is PPP? (Point-to-Point Protocol)

What is PPP? (Point-to-Point Protocol) PPP stands for point-to-point protocol, which is a technology for connecting to networks over standard serial (telephone) lines. In its most common implementation, users connect their personal computers to the Internet with PPP over a high-speed modem. It is similar to SLIP, but is more …

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What is IMAP?

What is IMAP? (Internet Message Access Protocol) IMAP, (Internet Message Access Protocol, formerly known as the Interactive Mail Access Protocol), is a protocol for e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from, and work with the mailboxes on, a mail server. IMAP is the protocol that IMAP clients can use to …

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Ten Tune-Up Tips for Windows 98 Performance

Ten Tune-up Tips For Windows 98 Performance If you do any Internet surfing at all, you’ll undoubtedly find quite a few people disappointed with the performance of Windows 98. If the truth be told though, very few of those doing the complaining have spent even a few moments to learn …

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Microsoft Backup, Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step

Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step Getting acquainted with Microsoft Backup [Top] Windows 98 includes a fully featured backup utility licensed from Seagate Software at no extra cost. If you have been using a computer for any length of time, you are already aware of how devastating a system …

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Using Windows 9x Backup

Backing Up Windows 95/98 Whether you’re using Windows 95 (any version) or Windows 98 (any version), each came with the ability to backup your files. The capabilities offered with Windows 95 however, are vastly different from those in Windows 98. The issue is whether any of these backup programs will …

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Free Tools hidden in Windows 98

Free Tools hidden in Windows 98 Your Windows 98 CD has more than just Windows! You may want to preview some of the two dozen free tools hidden inside the \TOOLS\RESKIT directory. Location:  ..\Setup\ CDSETUP.EXE Sets up the Microsoft Management Console, the front end to the 1,700 page online Resource …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, Seeing the actual HTML code in FrontPage

Seeing the Actual HTML Code in FrontPage The reason most people use FrontPage is because they don’t want to sit in front of their computers and write HTML code by hand. Well, in FrontPage you can apply the “Now you see it, now you don’t” concept! Even if you’re not …

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FrontPage Knowledge Center

FrontPage Knowledge Center Tips and Tricks Scattered throughout the Internet you will find numerous tips and useful examples of what can be done with FrontPage in creating Web Pages, intranets, extranets and the like. Hopefully these tips and tricks, when coupled with some step-by-step examples, will help you do all …

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NTBackup Command and its Command Line Parameters

The NTbackup Command and its Command Line Parameters If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! SUMMARY You can perform backup operations from the command prompt or from a batch file by using the ntbackup command followed by various parameters. …

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Windows 2000 – Applying a New Hotfix May Undo a Previously Applied Hotfix

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Applying a New Hotfix May Undo a Previously Applied Hotfix If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! Microsoft has learned (and users too) that in concatenating or chaining together service packs and hot fixes, you can undo some of the security …

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