SDRAM, DDR and Rambus Memory

SDRAM, DDR SDRAM and Rambus Memory What’s all the fuss about? If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! As we move through yet another memory development period, more and more customers ask SDRAM and whether or not it has …

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Expand MS-DOS Command

Type: External (5.0 and later) Syntax: EXPAND [d:][path]filename [[d:][path]filename[ . . .]] Purpose: Expands a compressed file. Discussion This command can be used to expand compressed files. In fact, several of the files on the DOS 6 Setup disks cannot be used unless you expand them. If you use the …

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Is Your Memory Module Really PC100 Compliant? (Cont.)

Determining the application speed of SDRAM Modules Since the publication of our memory resources pages some 15 months ago, we have been getting an ever increasing number of inquiries from computer users repeatedly asking how they would go about determining whether or not their memory modules are actually PC-100 compliant? …

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Memory, Evolution or Revolution?

Memory Evolution or Revolution? JEDEC SDRAM All DRAM memory that has a synchronous interface is known generically as SDRAM. This includes CDRAM (Cache DRAM), RDRAM (Rambus DRAM), ESDRAM (Enhanced SDRAM) and others, however the type that most often is called SDRAM is, in reality, the JEDEC standard synchronous DRAM. JEDEC …

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Award BIOS Beep Codes

AWARD BIOS Beep Codes Award is the another popular BIOS developer and they use the fewest beep codes. Startup Procedure and Error Detection The normal procedure is to power up the computer and watch for error messages on the monitor screen while listening for beep tones from the speaker on …

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AMI BIOS Beep Codes

AMI BIOS Beep Codes The AMI BIOS is the most popular BIOS and is used by most of the top motherboard manufacturers. You should be able to determine your system BIOS by reading the screen display on the Top screen during startup up. If not, such as on some Compaq, …

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Windows 95/98 DUN and RAS Error Codes

DUN & RAS ERROR CODES Windows 95 & Windows 98  Error Code   Message / Explanation 600   An operation is pending 601   The port handle is invalid 602   The port is already open 603   CallerÂ’s buffer is too small 604   Wrong information specified 605   …

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Modem Initialization Information

MODEM INITIALIZATION STRING INFORMATION Using Initialization Strings In Windows 95/98 Go to My Computer Click the Dial-Up Networking icon Right click on your Dial-Up connection icon Select Properties Click on the Configure button Click on the Connection tab Click on the Advanced button You will now see an extra settings …

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ISDN Modem Initialization Information

ISDN MODEM  TA STRING INFORMATION ISDN MODEM MANUFACTURERS Adtran ISDN Express XRT 1 B-Channel 56k   ATS54=12S53=2S27=0 Adtran ISDN Express XRT 1 B-Channel 64k   ATS54=12S53=3S27=0 Adtran ISDN Express XRT 2 B-Channels 112k   ATS54=12S53=2S27=1 Adtran ISDN Express XRT 2 B-Channels 128k   ATS54=12S53=3S27=1 Adtran ISDN ISU 128k   AT&C1&D2&R0&S2\Q3S34=15 …

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AT Command Set Definitions

INITIALIZATION STRING DEFINITIONS Use the bookmark button to the left for specific issues on controls!     Code Would you rather go back to the beginning?   Then click              Description %Cn   Enable/Disable Data Compression   %En   Auto-Retrain control &Cn   DCD Control &Dn   DTR Option &Fn   …

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