Intel Chipset Reference Comparison

Marketing Name Code Name Processors Supported Max RAM Max Cachable RAM Max SIMM Slots SIMM Types SIMM Protection Max CPUs EIDE Disk Support USB 450NX PCIset ? Pentium II Xeon, 100MHz bus 8G (64Mbit) Interleaved 8G 32 EDO and DRAM ECC 4 PIIX4E Ulta DMA/33 33 MB/s Host/Hub 440GX AGPset …

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Microsoft Data Access Component and FrontPage 97 Issues and Articles

Microsoft Data Access Component and FrontPage 97 Issues and Related Articles The above material is being provided to you in support of particular products, including those provided by Microsoft and others. In those cases where the information we have provided is protected by copyrights belonging to others, we hereby acknowledge …

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Windows 95 Device Manager Cont3

THE WINDOWS 95 DEVICE MANAGER  (CONT) Floppy Disk controllers: Generally most floppy disk controller errors are due to Windows 95 not identifying the controller correctly based upon the information reported by the motherboard’s Bios or a corrupted driver. The easiest solution would be to go into device manager, expand the …

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Windows 95 Device Manager Cont2

THE WINDOWS 95 DEVICE MANAGER  (CONT) CD-Rom Drive: Generally, if you were able to install Windows 95 along with all of the necessary  drivers after the initial installation, seeing a CD-Rom drive error in Device Manager afterwards is unusual at best, but it does happen. In these instances, check the …

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CMOS Memory Type Mismatch

CMOS Memory Type Mismatch If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: Some motherboard BIOS’s store the total amount of memory as a BIOS setting and then compare that value against what is detected as physical hardware when the …

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Type: External (1.0 and later) Syntax: CHKDSK [d:][path][filename] [/F][/V] Purpose: Checks a disk and provides a file and memory status report. Discussion Checks for errors on a disk. Displays error messages (if problems are found) and issues a status report. If you specify the /F option, the program will correct …

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Attrib MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (3.0 and later) Syntax: COUNTRY=country code,[code page][,][d:][filename] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to tell DOS to use country-specific text conventions during processing. Discussion The COUNTRY command affects the following items: date and time formats, the thousands and decimal characters used in numbers, the location and symbol used …

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Static Resource Conflict

Static Resource Conflict If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: The BIOS is detecting that two different hardware components in the system are trying to use the same system resource (IRQ line, DMA channel or I/O address). On …

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chdir MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: CHDIR (CD) [d:]path CHDIR (CD)[..] Purpose: Displays working (current) directory and/or changes to a different directory. Discussion Used to change from one directory to another you specify. The command can be used without the drive designator (d:) if you were changing to a different …

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Changing your Modem Time Out Settings

Increasing or Changing your Modem Timeout Settings If your modem is timing out during file transfers or loading Web Pages, you may want to try increasing the timeout period. To change the Time Out: 1. Open RegEdit 2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Modem\XXXX\Settings Where XXXX is the number of your modem 3. …

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