168 Pin DIMM

168 Pin DIMM The 168 PIN DIMM is what is found in most desktop computers today. Early on there were three memory types offered in the 168 Pin DIMM form factor, FPM, EDO and Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM). Their configurations include 64bit, 72bit and 80Bit, ECC and Non-ECC, and memory sizes …

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LegendOS Boot Manager

LegendOS Boot Manager Version 0.92 The LegendOS Boot Manager is a neat and efficient little program for handling multiple boot situations between operating systems with very little muss or fuss. Not necessarily for the first-timer, as you have to pay close attention to the documentation and read it completely, but …

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How Much Memory Does Windows Millenium Need?

What are the real Windows ME RAM Requirements? While Microsoft has bundled allot of new features into its third and final version of Windows 98, the Millennium Edition, some of these new features do not come without a performance price. Here’s a straight-forward break down on some of the Windows …

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Remove the Help Option from the Start Menu

Remove the Help Option from the Start Menu (Windows 2000) This tweak hides the Help option on the Start Menu. Open your registry and find the key below. Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value called ‘NoSMHelp’ set the value to equal ‘1’ to enable the restriction. …

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What does IEEE Stand For?

What Does IEEE Mean? IEEE stand for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and you can learn more about it right here! The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) was formed in the late 1800s as an organization of technical professionals. It has since become very active in …

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exe2bin MS-DOS Command

Type: External (1.1 and later) Syntax: EXE2BIN [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename Purpose: Converts files from .EXE format to binary format. This results in files that require less disk space and may also result in a faster loading file. (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion …

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BIOS Translation

BIOS Translation If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! BIOS translation is one of the most important techniques used to overcome the 504 MB disk size barrier that resulted from the combination of BIOS and IDE/ATA hard disk restrictions. …

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prompt MS-DOS Command

Syntax: PROMPT [prompt text][options ] Purpose: Changes the DOS command prompt. Discussion You can change the DOS prompt (the indicator that DOS is ready for input) to almost any type of special prompt you want. For example, you can use this command to make the prompt display the current time, …

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What is an Autoexec.bat file?

What is an AUTOEXEC.BAT file? An AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains MS-DOS commands which are executed automatically when a Personal Computer boots. This file is usually located in the root directory of the hard drive or floppy from which the computer boots (or starts) up. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is used to set …

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Press F1 to Disable NMI, F2 to Reboot

Press F1 to Disable NMI, F2 to Reboot If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: Some low-level hardware problems cause the generation of a non-mask able interrupt, or NMI, the most common of which is a parity error. …

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