Modem Drivers

56K Modems Drivers Site Driver Zone Drivers Site WinDrivers.Com Drivers Site (Excellent!) Aceex/Actiontec Modem Drivers and Support Site Acer Open Modems Drivers Site Site ActionTec Modem Driver and Support Site ADDTel Modem Drivers Site Apache Modem Drivers Site Apex Data (SMART) Modem Drivers Site ArchTeek (SmartLink) Modem Drivers Site Askey …

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Modem Speed Information

MODEM TRANSMISSION SPEED INFORMATION Connection  Capability  Bytes per sec  KB per min  MB per hour Min/Sec/MB Modem 9,600 1200 70 4 14m 33s Modem 14,400 1800 106 6 9m 42s Modem v.34 28,800 3600 211 12 4m 51s Modem 33,600 4200 246 14 4m 09s Modem v.90 42,000 5250 308 …

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Standardization and Cross References – 2

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), coordinates and approves US national standards. Center for Standards, from the (US) Defense Information Systems Agency. Computer graphics and image processing, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24 Subcommittee. Computer Technology Standards, Index to Computer Standards. I/O Related Standards Information, from the X3T10 Committee. Industry Standards Activities, from the …

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Standardization and Cross References

STANDARDS and CROSS REFERENCE PAGES Page 1 of 2 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) information: ADSL Forum Dan Kegel’s page, Mostly historical (last supported 1996). ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Application Binary Interface Standard, ABI+ Group for Intel Architecture. Arial Software, Online marketing and Web traffic management software. ASN.1 Resources, …

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Server Co-location services

Co-Location Services Your equipment, whether it be a web server, application server, Metaframe server or Cloud configuration, is located at our secure facility for a super fast and reliable Internet connection with 24/7 support and monitoring. Some of the features of our co-location data center include: Secure data facility – …

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1U Rack Socket 1366 Xeon Servers

Below you will find examples of base system upon which you can build server system customized to your exact requirements. We do not sell “off the rack” server systems, each is built around the customers individual requirements. The 2U Rack Custom Server is 3.5″ in height and is designed for …

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Shared Hosting

Shared Web Hosting Packages Systems Technologies offers a variety of affordable high-quality shared web hosting packages without the maintenance and high costs often associated with a dedicated server. Continuous 24/7 response and monitoring Redundant RAID5 disk storage backed up nightly Domain name registration and setup (domain registration fee not included) …

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Year 2000 Readiness

Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness Disclosure As spring approaches, and the clamor and anticipation of what might have happened in the world of computers quickly reaches an end, we begin looking towards other important issues throughout the world. Over the coming months we will be posting here the results of our …

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Controlling UDMA in Windows 2000

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Taking Control of UDMA in Windows 2000 If you have arrived here through a search engine, and do not have a menu to the left, click here! Enabling UDMA/Ultra ATA (Facts and Fiction) As we have stressed in this article, don’t make any assumptions and …

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Performance Center No Frames Menu

About US Help and FAQ Site Map Welcome to our Performance Center Menu Page You have arrived at this page either from our Site Map or because your browser doesn’t support frame pages. If you arrived via our Site Map and would rather use a moving menu for performance topics …

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