Checking Windows 2000 Readiness with Systems Management Server 2

Windows 2000 Readiness Analyzer Checking Readiness for Deployment with Systems Management Server 2.0 Important! There are no support services provided that in any manner relate to the MIF generation tool, its use, queries, reports or your use of the information contained herein. You assume all risk relating to the use …

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Setting up Microsoft's Personal Web Server on Your Computer – Part 2

Installation and Setup Version 4.0 Part 2 Okay, you have all of your files, made the necessary fixes, and now you’re ready to do the installation! Step 1: Open Windows Explorer and work your way down to your Temp directory and locate “Setup.exe“. Once you have found it double click …

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Glossary of Memory Terms

Glossary of Memory and Other Terms Here you will find a comprehensive listing of all terms and phrases that in any manner relate to memory and memory related hardware. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U …

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Performance Center, How Much Memory Do You Need?

How Much Memory Do I Need? Not a day passes that someone doesn’t ask us how much memory they should have in their computer. And each and every time they are expecting a simple one or two line answer advising them to buy 64MB, 128MB or what have you. Almost …

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Interpreting the Diagnostic Software Test Results

Interpreting The Diagnostic Test Results Sample Test Screen Illustration Interpreting the Test Results in the Sample Test Screen Illustration From the test result shown in the illustration above, there are two failures: Base Memory and Extended Memory: 1. Base Memory Test ( 7F090 , A0000 ) MATS + Loop 1 …

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The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver

The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver If you have arrived here through a search engine, and you do not see a menu to the left click here! Soon after the release of the I810 and I815 chipsets and the arrival of ATA and Ultra-ATA, Intel® released utilities to properly install …

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Windows 9x Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts & Shortcuts for the Microsoft Windows Keyboard Here’s some helpful tips on the shortcut keys available to you. Did you know that: Touching the Ctrl key while dragging with the mouse copies a file of any type. Holding the Ctrl + Shift keys down while dragging with …

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fdisk MS-DOS Command

Type: External (2.0 and later) Syntax: FDISK FDISK [/status] Purpose: Prepares a fixed disk to accept DOS files for storage. Discussion FDISK provides a set of options related to the preparation of a fixed disk. NOTE: This command is implemented in different ways by different manufacturers. Some may replace it …

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exit MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: EXIT Purpose: Exits a secondary command processor. Discussion This command can be used when you are running an application program and want to start the DOS command processor, then return to your program. For example, to look at a directory on drive B while …

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Clearing a Corrupt CMOS

Clearing a Corrupt CMOS If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: During the startup process the BIOS has detected that one or more of the settings or parameters it has read from the CMOS memory is invalid. Diagnosis: …

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