Many reasons lead to a break in sexual activities. Sometimes it’s age, sometimes a painful break-up – and sometimes having children, or simply a routine. Restoring passion after a period of abstinence is not always easy. And how can you regain passion and boost your confidence in bed after a period of abstinence? Here are some answers.
Table of Contents
Abstinence Is A Much More Common Occurrence Than We Think
Although sex is a common topic of conversation these days, some still avoid it. Certainly, kiss-and-tell conversations are not what we will rely on when it comes to abstinence issues. However, abstinence is a common occurrence nowadays, and the fact is that many people do not want to talk about it. If you are bothered by this problem – do not despair. Keep in mind that we are not all gifted with constant desire – and periods of sexual abstinence are more common than most of us actually think.
Loss Of Sexual Self-Confidence

Sexual self-confidence is actually a manifestation of the cognition of our own body in our relationship with our partner – in sexual, but also less sexual activities. It determines how safe and confident we perform, how we behave in sex, and what our body language is in general. There is no universal recipe for how to acquire it – but we can point the finger at the main reasons for poor or low sexual self-esteem. It is true that we are all individuals, and that we have to go our own way to self-fulfillment. However, mostly we all stumble on the same stone.
Sometimes it happens that we can’t boost our self-confidence, so we need a “little help” from aside. Although many taboos are following sex aids such as lubricants or the famous little blue pill – this doesn’t mean that sometimes you don’t need to use them as an aid in these situations. Moreover, the famous little blue pill, Viagra, has become well-known around the world – and over time, this brand has become synonymous with guaranteed sexual pleasure. However, to use them properly and safely, you need to know more about them. You can read more here, and you will learn all about the benefits, but also the proper use and possible risks when using this pill.
What Affects The Occurrence Of Sexual Abstinence?
Several factors cause a lack of sexual intercourse. These are most often age, absence of a partner, or lack of sexual desire due to stress and other factors. Whatever the reasons, there is no need to worry. Sometimes the energy is needed for some other life activities besides sexuality. However, if you do not want to start experiencing sex as an imposed obligation in a marriage or relationship, you should once again prove your courage in the right place – in the bedroom. First of all, keep in mind that sex is a part of our lives and a very important part of a relationship.
Erectile Dysfunction As The Most Common Cause Of Abstinence

This is an issue that the male population is reluctant to talk about. It is because this topic is often accompanied by numerous prejudices. One of the very widespread myths is that erectile dysfunction affects only older men, that is, those who are 40+. The chances are indeed getting bigger with age – however, erectile dysfunction is now common in a significant number of young men. The most common causes in the younger population are not organic – but psychological nature. In that sense, many potential factors can lead to potency problems even in younger men. Most often it is the intention to impress the sexual partner, and in addition, there are factors such as stress, depression, low self-esteem, etc. However, we shouldn’t neglect the organic causes either. Very often, erectile dysfunction can be an indicator of some diseases – such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. There are specialists, such as Male Excel, who can determine what’s your erectile dysfunction real cause, and they can even prescribe you medication if needed.
How To Overcome The Problem?
Problems like this can happen to anyone from time to time. However, there is a very big difference between “occasionally” and “more often than I want to admit”. But no matter what category you belong to, certain things can be done. You can improve your self-confidence in bed after abstinence. Here’s what you could do.

No strain and stress
At first glance, we can’t advise anyone who is facing this problem not to “worry too much” about it. Namely, such advice can seem naive and insensitive. However, it should be borne in mind that the organ that is most responsible for an erection is not what you think – but the brain. Too much worry, anxiety, and stress when it comes to sexual intercourse can be counterproductive. Also, the expectations placed on men when it comes to the quality of sexual technique and the duration of the act itself are unrealistic today – and are set by popular culture and the adult film industry.
Mental connection

An erection that lasts and meets expectations includes many different factors. Here, we primarily mean the emotional connection with a sexual partner. Therefore, before any action, it is good to know that intimacy is a very important aspect of sex – and as such can affect sexual performance.
Foreplay is the best exercise
Partners, and especially men, very often make the mistake of putting the main focus of the love game on the sexual act itself. Not only is this not always the most important – but it can also cause a counter-effect. That is why it is advisable to indulge in everything that precedes this act: kissing, exchange of tenderness, etc. – limits almost do not exist. Not only is it fun and beautiful, but it can positively affect the libido and readiness of the partner to indulge in passions when the foreplay is over.
The Bottom Line
In case the mentioned methods do not help, then there is a possibility that the problem with self-confidence in bed may be of a different nature. Sometimes it happens that this problem is hidden – that is, that the reduction of potency is only one of the indicators of the existence of a completely different physical or mental problem. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor and try to find the real cause. Of course, in that case, the treatment should start as soon as possible. Keep in mind that at some point this may not be a matter of sexual performance – it may already become a matter of vital importance.