Format the Hard Drive

In most situations, there is only one switch that you will use, the /S switch, to transfer the system files to your freshly formatted hard drive. As an example, at the MS-DOS prompt a:\>, your format command would typically look like this: a:\>format c:/s Note the space between the word …

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Troubleshooting Windows 2000

If you have arrived here through our frames pages, the menu to the left will help you navigate through the help pages we have to offer, regardless of whether its for assistance with preparation questions, installation questions, using the Windows 2000 device manager or troubleshooting and existing installation. For those …

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Tweakui for Windows

Tweak UI v. 1.33 for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98 or Windows 95 Download Size: 111 KB | 1 Min @ 28.8 Download: Tweakui V. 1.33  Alternate Server: Tweakui V.1.33 Read Me First: With the Tweak UI 1.33 update, you can adjust your Windows User Interface, …

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What's New in Personal Web Server version 4.0

The Personal Web Server package makes it easy to install any of the following new features: Microsoft Personal Web Server A desktop Web server that can be used to host a Web site on the corporate intranet, or to develop and test a Web site before hosting the site on …

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Networking Basics

The Basics of Networking To form or build a network, a group of computers, printers, and other devices must be connected together with cables, and in some cases, other networking devices. Information travels over the cables and allows those users on the network to exchange documents and data with each …

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Installing Microsoft ICS

Installing Microsoft’s Windows® 98 SE Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Components First, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is part of Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows 2000. It is a feature that cannot be merely added to an existing version of Windows 98, you must upgrade to Windows 98 SE. If you …

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What is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) File?

What is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) File? A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is a file made up of programming code that contains functions which are called from executable programming code, such as an application or even another DLL. Programmers often use DLL files to develop reusable code and to …

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Performance Center, Memory Menu

Performance Center Memory As we mentioned when you arrived at our Performance Center, “Everyone wants their computer to be faster”, and memory is an important factor in the speed and performance equation. More has been written about memory issues in the last two or three years than has been written …

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Customer Assistance

Customer Assistance You have arrived at our customer assistance menu. This menu will enable you to choose the specific area in which you need our assistance so that your email message does not travel through several hands before being acted upon. Please do not hesitate to address any issue for …

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Windows 98 Registry Fixes For The Most Common Problems

Windows 98 Registry Fixes For The Most Common Problems Over the last couple of years we have seen the same problems crop up with our customers while using Windows 95 and Windows 98, “View as a Thumbnail” no longer works in Windows Explorer, Shortcuts become damaged, Task Scheduler stops running …

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