Operating Systems and File Systems Windows® 95B and Windows® 95C

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Windows® 95B and 95C (OEM SR2.x) There’s no question that when Microsoft unveiled Windows® 95 it was a huge success. It was a significant improvement over …

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Operating Systems and File Systems Windows® 98 and Windows® ME

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Windows 98, Windows 98 SE and Windows ME There’s allot of irony in the manner in which Microsoft released their Windows® 9x platforms. During the release …

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Metwork Related Windows Registry Entries

Network Related Registry Keys Configuring DHCP on clients [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{Adapter}\Parameters\Tcpip] Disabled “EnableDHCP”=dword:00000000 Enabled “EnableDHCP”=dword:00000001 TCP/IP Configuration [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{Adapter}\Parameters\Tcpip] “IPAddress”=hex(7):31,39,32,2e,31,36,38,2e,31,2e,31,00,00 The above value should be a hexadecimal representation of the string containing the required IP address. The above address translates to “”. The two null values at the end are required “SubnetMask”=hex(7):32,35,35,2e,32,35,35,2e,32,35,35,2e,30,00,00 The …

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File Splitting Utility

MaxSplitter File Splitting Utility by Max Bylesjö Many times we are confronted with those situations where we need to move a large file, such as a large executible, onto another machine and there’s no immediate method to do so. As an example, let’s say you had a large driver file …

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The Master Boot Record (MBR) and What it Does

The Master Boot Record (MBR) and Why it is Necessary? If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here!When you turn on your PC, the processor attempts to begin the process of processing data. But, since the system memory is empty, …

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Is Your Memory Module Really PC100 Compliant? (Cont.)

Dissecting a PC-100 compliant memory module. SPD EEPROM When a memory module is assembled, in addition to the precision manufactured SDRAM chips, there must also be a correctly programmed SPD (Serial Presence Detect) EEPROM. The SPD EEPROM is a small little black chip found near the edge of the module. …

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Removing Personal Web Server

Removing Personal Web Server version 4.0 1.  Insert your Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition CD Rom disk into your CD Rom drive. 2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD Rom drive and expand the directories until you locate the Add-ons section, then PWS and look for …

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Additional Windows 95 and Windows 98 Compatibility Issues

Windows 95 and Windows 98 Additional Compatibility Issues Send this document to a colleague Printer-friendly version The following features and utilities, in Windows® 98 and Windows 95 cannot be upgraded. Check back here for updated application and feature compatibility information. You can find additional information about these items in the …

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How to Upgrade from Windows 95 or Windows 98

Send this document to a friend Printer friendly version of this document? The procedures below will help you prepare for your upgrade, and then walk you through the steps to do so beginning with starting the setup program. The following procedures discuss doing this either by using the Windows 2000 …

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Upgrade Windows 2000 from Beta 3

Read the release notes. Read the release notes in the root directory of the Windows 2000 CD-ROM: (the Read1st.txt file), as well as the Readme.doc, especially the “Application Notes” section which has information about programs that need to be disabled or removed before running Setup. Determine whether you need to …

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