Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone to use. This section provides information about the following features, products and services, which make Microsoft® Windows®, Microsoft Windows NT®, and the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack more accessible for people with disabilities: Features and hints for customizing Windows …

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Enabling Directory Browsing

Directory browsing in an alternative way to provide navigation for visitors coming to your site. Instead of providing links on a home page to documents in the home directory, the default document is disabled and a list of all files in the directory is presented. This is particularly useful if …

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Release Notes

This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the Microsoft® ActiveX™ Data Objects version 1.5 documentation. The following sections are included in this document: Product Description New Features Installation Notes Technical Support Known Issues Copyright Information Product Description Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is an Automation-based interface for accessing …

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About Web Sites

In today’s busy world, businesses and individuals are constantly looking for better, faster, and more convenient ways to share information. Web sites are a way of sharing information with others in your office or around the world. This topic acquaints you with basic information about how computer networks, Web sites, …

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Microsoft Transaction Server Release Notes

Microsoft Transaction Server Release Notes This document contains late-breaking information for Microsoft® Transaction Server (MTS). For further information, see the following topics in Personal Web Server, Help: Setting Up Microsoft Transaction Server What’s New in MTS 2.0? MTS Product Documentation Late-Breaking Information and Known Limitations The following sections contain late-breaking …

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How Important Is Breathing for Your Overall Health

Inhale! Take a deep breath. Exhale. It’s that easy. Breathing means you’re alive. For the most part, we breathe without even thinking about it. It’s a reflex. It’s a good thing we have it, as we rely on breathing heavily. It is the life force of our bodies. Without oxygen, …

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7 Pros And Cons Of DIY Floor Leveling

We all want our homes to be as functional as possible but also to look as pretty, and in order to reach these goals, there are a few things we wouldn’t do. Now, decorating and arranging everything to your taste is reasonable and something we all do, as it is …

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5 Tax Risk Management Tips For Small Business

Starting your own business is the best idea you can ever realize and make a reality, and with that in front of you will be a unique chance to realize the dream and the idea that you had. It is best for you if you are a small business that …

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Web Application Testing Solution

The Problem A Web application developer works as a private contractor, selling Web applications to various companies. He uses his home computer for much of the work, and then sends the applications to either a company’s Web server, or to an Internet service provider. The present contract calls for the …

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Constructing an Interactive Form

PWS gives you the ability to get information from visitors to your Web site, and to respond to your visitors on the basis of the information they give you. This procedure is designed to help you customize a simple interactive form to meet your information-gathering needs. The procedure assumes that …

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