Upgrade Your Web Browser

           Click here to update your browser.  Find out more about potential security issues after December 31, 1999.  Find out more about date-related issues after December 31, 1999.    Note:  For added security in the future, we recommend that you to take advantage of 128-bit encryption.   Find out more about …

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Installing PWS

On Windows 98, PWS offers the following three installation options: Minimum install   The minimum necessary components to operate PWS. Typical install   Minimum options plus additional functionality and documentation. Custom install   Presents all possible components as options, with all options included in the minimum and typical installations pre-selected. The following table describes the available options …

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Changing Your Home Directory

The PWS default settings are suitable for quickly and easily publishing your content. All you need to do is copy your files to the C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot directory. However, if you have a previously existing site with pages that contain path links to other files on your hard disk, you may find …

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Adding Virtual Directories

By default, PWS installs a directory in which you can place any files you want to have published on your Web site. If your site becomes too complex, or you decide to use scripts and applications in your pages, you may want to create additional directories for your published content. …

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Creating a Web Page with a Text Editor

You can use a standard text editor, such as Notepad, to create a Web page by typing in the HTML formatting tags. HTML formatting tags are bracketed commands that enclose your text, telling the Web browser how to interpret the structure of your document. To create Web pages with a …

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Publishing Documents on Your Site

You can make documents available to visitors in several ways. You can use the publishing wizard to place a read-only copy of the document in the Webpub directory and automatically add a link on your home page to the document. You can also use Windows Explorer to place documents in …

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Viewing the Personal Web Server Documentation

You can use other browsers to view the documentation, but it is most easily viewed and navigated by using Microsoft® Internet Explorer. For best results, use: Internet Explorer version 3.02 with Authenticode 2 update, or later versions of Internet Explorer. A monitor with a screen size of 15 inches or …

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Viewing and Deleting Your Messages

You can allow visitors to your Web site to leave messages for you. If you choose the message drop box option when you create your home page, or add the drop box to your home page later, a link to your drop box appears on your home page. Visitors click …

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Customizing Your Web Site

PWS contains many helpful features to get your Web site up and running quickly. However, you may find that you want to create more complicated pages than those generated by the PWS wizards. This section introduces some of the ways you can use other tools to customize the look and …

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Release Notes

This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the Microsoft® Remote Data Service 1.5 documentation. The following sections are included in this document: Product Description New Features Installation Notes Technical Support Technical Notes Known Issues Copyright Information Product Description Microsoft Remote Data Service (RDS) is a fast and efficient …

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