Glossary of Terms Used in Personal Web Server version 4.0

Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary. A access control Controlling who is allowed access to a computer’s content and applications. ACL Access Control List. A list that identifies which hosts have access to which services. Active Group, …

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Creating and Maintaining a Web Site

Welcome to the section on setting up your Web site. This section walks you through the basics of creating a home page and publishing documents on your site using the built-in wizards. You also learn how to use the guest book and message drop box included in PWS. This section …

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Simple Document Sharing Solution

The Problem A construction company executive organizes the computer files by project. Each project contains building specification files, which the executive needs to share with the engineers. Each project also contains sensitive financial information the engineers should not have access to. Because the project directories contain information the engineers should …

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Custom Information Exchange Solution

The Problem The director of human resources at a small advertising firm wants to know how satisfied employees are with the current health insurance carrier before spending time looking for potential new carriers. The director wants to keep the responses confidential, and doesn’t want to compile results from a number …

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About Publishing Directories

When you set up your Web site, you specify which directories contain the documents that you want to publish. The Web server cannot publish documents that are not within the directories you specify. To plan your Web site, you first determine how you want your files organized in the publishing …

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Advanced Configuration and Maintenance

Welcome to the section on advanced settings. The information in this section covers enabling directory browsing, viewing site activity logs, and checking on site performance. If you are customizing your site, or if you have security concerns and want to track who is accessing your site, you can use the …

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About Custom Web Pages

By using a variety of tools and techniques, you can create original, custom Web site content. This section introduces you to tools and techniques that assist you in constructing an interactive Web site. Some of the techniques are as simple as cut-and-paste, while others require some knowledge of a scripting …

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How to Set Up and Configure Project 98 and Personal Web Server 4.0

PROJECT98: How to Set Up and Configure Personal Web Server 4.0 The information applies to: Microsoft Project 98 for Windows Microsoft Personal Web Server version 4.0 for Windows 98 SUMMARY To use the Web-based workgroup features in Microsoft Project 98, you must have access to a Web server. This article …

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Making a Home Page Automatically

Generally, each Web site has a home page that is used to provide visitors with information about the site and navigation, or links, to other documents or Web sites. This page is created by using HTML. You don’t have to know how to code in HTML to produce your own …

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Adding Links to the Home Page

If you have files you create, edit, and publish in non-HTML format, use the publishing wizard to place a read-only copy of the file in the Webpub folder and let the wizard automatically add a link to your home page. However, if you have HTML files you are working on …

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