Thank You

Send you a confirming email to verify the type of computer you presently own, including make and model, if known. We will then discuss with you the upgrade possibilities available to you based upon your existing case size, power supply and other components. Rest assured, we will not tell you …

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Thank You

Send you a confirming email to clarify your component list. We will then discuss with you how you would like to use your new computer, as well as what types of software packages you intend to use. Next, we will help you during the decision process to determine the type …

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Processor Tips and Tweaks

Tools, Tips and Tricks By H.Oda Warning: These tools should only be used by those individuals thoroughly familiar with motherboards, motherboard chipsets, processors (CPU’s) and the drivers and files necessary to make them work properly. The files and tools noted below can cause damage if not used correctly. Our Disclaimer …

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Hot CPU Tester

Hot CPU Tester is a system stability tester. It tests CPU, and virtually all part of motherboard units for errors. Therefore it can find over-clocked and defected CPUs. It, also, can be used for over-clockers to find out if their system is stable or not. Hot CPU Tester has several …

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What is Video 2000

What is Video 2000? Video 2000 introduces the first ever Video performance testing tool with which a computer can be tested to verify its ability to play DVD movies properly and demonstrate the systems ability to provide quality video images. Video2000 is a completely new type of benchmarking tool designed …

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lastdrive MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (3.0 and later) Syntax: LASTDRIVE=(drive letter) Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the maximum number of drives that can be accessed. Discussion If you set the available disk drives to a letter value lower than that required by your existing system, DOS will automatically override the …

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sys MS-DOS Command

Type: External (1.0 and later) Syntax: SYS [source] d: Purpose: Transfers the operating system files to another disk. The three files that are transferred are: IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS COMMAND.COM (if you are using IBM’s version of DOS, they are named IBMIO.SYS, IBMDOS.SYS, and COMMAND.COM). Discussion Using versions of DOS prior to …

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BIOS Translation

HPFS If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Notice This excerpt has been taken from the Internet in order to preserve the document and its content for the benefit of those interested in the history of HPFS. Journal: Microsoft …

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BIOS Translation

BIOS Translation If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! BIOS translation is one of the most important techniques used to break the 504 MB disk size barrier resulting from the combination of BIOS and IDE/ATA hard disk restrictions. This …

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Setting Up Windows 98

You can also use the Internet Connection Wizard to sign you up with an ISP if you do not already have an account with one, or it can help you configure your Internet software if you already have an ISP and do not need to sign up. Once the wizard …

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