Knowledge Center – Microsoft Office

Microsoft® Office Knowledge Center Welcome to our Office Knowledge Center We are completely revamping and updating the Microsoft Office portion of our Knowledge Center to add features incorporated in the latest version of Office, Microsoft’s Office 2000. While we won’t be removing any information for Office 95 and Office 97 …

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Using the Windows 2000 Application Compatibility Tool

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Slipstreaming Windows 2000 Service Packs If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! One of the most irritating tasks involving the Windows NT operating systems, especially during the creation of a new Windows NT workstation or during a roll-out of several of …

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Release Notes – Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! Current Release Notes for Windows 2000 Updated 04/10/2001 When Microsoft releases a Service Pack, it includes with a set of Release Notes that describe any last minute issues that a users should be aware …

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Knowledge Center – Multi-Booting

Dual-Booting & Multi-Booting Operating Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! The primary focus of this area of our Web site is the Dual-Booting, and even the Multi-Booting, of the various Windows operating systems. To demonstrate the versatility of the Windows NT and Windows 2000 …

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Windows Millennium Edition Bugs

If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! A listing of some “issues” that have been noted in the new Windows Millennium edition Some of the bugs and buglets described below were noted during a clean install of Windows Me …

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Mapping a Drive or Printer in Windows 2000

Mapping a Drive or Printer in Windows 2000 This problem resolution is directed towards those using small networks, such as those found at home or in small office environments, where a peer-to-peer relationship exists rather than the presence of a network server. More importantly, those environments where a mix of …

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Knowledge Center – Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Tips, Tricks and Tweaks If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! Welcome to our Tips, Tricks and Tweaks for Windows 2000. Hopefully you will find something useful, and if not useful, maybe interesting! Notice: …

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What is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)?

What is POP mail? There are a few ways to deal with email, but the two most popular are IMAP and POP (or POP 3) There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Most large groups on LANS and WANS recommend that you use IMAP to access your e-mail because of …

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Free Tools from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Using the Tools At Hand Free Tools from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! There are over 200 tools included on the Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kit companion CD. You can use these tools to manage …

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Defragging Windows 2000 – With Illustrations

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Knowledge Center Defragging Windows 2000 With Illustrations If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! One of your customers calls complaining that his system is slowing down more and more each and every day. He makes sure to tell you that he is using …

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