Sisoft Sandra Benchmark and Testing Software Compatibility List

SiSoft Sandra Compatibility List This document contains a list of devices on which the latest version of Sandra has been successfully tested. It should be noted that this is not to be construed as a complete list, as that is just not feasible. Hardware devices supported indirectly through their drivers …

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Keyboard Clock Line Failure

Keyboard Clock Line Failure If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: The clock line is one of the control lines between the keyboard and the keyboard controller that interfaces the keyboard to the motherboard. Diagnosis: There is a …

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Intel Pentium II sSpec Information

1. This processor is in S.E.C.C. form factor 2. This processor is in S.E.C.C.2. form factor 3. This processor has a core voltage of 2.8V 4. This processor has a core voltage of 2.0V 5. This processor’s L2 cache has a 512MB address range 6. This processor’s L2 cache has …

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RAMBUS DRAM PERFORMANCE Lowest Latency with the Highest Bandwidth

RAMBUS DRAM PERFORMANCE Lowest Latency with the Highest Bandwidth by Nick Schwartzman Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. Courtesy: Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! DRAM performance is measured with two metrics: bandwidth and latency. Surprisingly, one type …

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Modem Help Pages

Whenever possible we try and find the most accurate information available in order to enable our customers and visitors resolve any problems they may be having quickly. While we appreciate every visitor to our site, and while we hope you enjoy what you find here, we are aware of the …

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Internet Resource and Standards References

Below you will find links to two comprehensive    resource listings covering just about any Internet related subject imaginable. The resources listed at these pages not only cover “Standards” issues, but also provide resources for inter-related subjects relating to just about any issue having to do with computer technology.

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drivparm MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (3.2 and later) Syntax: DRIVPARM= /D:(number) [/C] [/F:(form factor)] [/H:(number)] [/I] [/N] [/S:(number)] [/T:(tracks)] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set parameters for a disk drive. Discussion Used for special configurations related to disk drives. For more information on the DRIVPARM command, refer to Chapter 6, Tips …

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Testing the Windows Millennium Edition Installation

(Preliminary – Continued) Celeron 300 with VIA Motherboard Chipset: We assembled this machine to fill in the gap between true older legacy computers and the new hardware releases we are seeing today. The motherboard was one of the first slot one motherboards with an early VIA chipset on board that …

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replace MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.2 and later) Syntax: REPLACE [d:][path]filename [d:][path][/A][/P][/R][/S][/U][/W] Purpose: Replaces stored files with files of the same name from a different storage location. Discussion This command replaces files in the target path designation with files of the same name in the source location. You can use wildcard characters (? …

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