What does TCP/IP or IPX Mean?

What does TCP/IP or IPX mean? What is TCP/IP? TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, Internet Protocol, a set of networking protocols that allows two or more computers to communicate. TCP/IP was developed by the Department of Defense for the Defense Data Network, and has since been widely adopted as …

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What is Stacking of Network Hardware

Network Hardware Stacking Although Fast Ethernet runs ten times faster than standard Ethernet networks, the advance from 10Mbps to 100Mbps hasn’t come without a few technical problems and resultant sacrifices, the first of which is known as the Fast Ethernet two hub rule. The Two Hub Rule: You can’t join …

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Installing Windows 98

Installing Windows 98® Part 2 Running Windows 98 Setup To install Windows 98 on a computer with a new or reformatted hard disk, you will need start Setup from MS-DOS. Note: If your computer permits booting from a CD Rom drive, you can insert the Windows 98 CD Rom disk and …

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Windows 2000 Advanced Setup Options

Windows 2000 Professional Advanced Setup Options Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional can be set up without using any of the advanced Setup options, however the following should help you decide if you want to modify the way setup makes the installation. This In addition to other important considerations, the following will …

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Trogan and Worm Protection

Trojans and Worms, A New Threat to Your Computer Everyone knows where to purchase anti-virus programs, but what do you do about Trojans and Worms? What safeguards can be taken? Are there any preventative measures? The answer to these three questions is Yes, Yes and Yes. Diamond Computer Systems PTY. …

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Windows Configurator

Windows Configurator All too frequently we look for ways to manipulate and control Windows 95, 98 and ME without having to be either a Windows or programming guru. We want to do it, get it done and then move on to something else. Of course Microsoft has made Tweak UI …

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Drive File and Folder Listing Utility

MaxLister File Listing Utility by Max Bylesjö Have you ever had the need to create a listing of everything file on a hard drive, but running hundreds of “print Directories” just doesn’t make it? Well this little utility makes this task easy to say the least. Program Name: MaxLister Latest …

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RemoteHome2000 Need a light weight but full featured program to share files between home and office? Well RemoteHome2000 may be just the application for you. It’s light enough not to require allot of system resources and robust enough to handle transfers in a secure environment. RemoteHome2000 makes your computer and …

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IDE/ATA Drive Diagnostics

IDE/ATA Drive Diagnostics From time to time we all need a simple, but small, application to test a hard drive, run some simple diagnostics, do a low-level scan or just verify drive letter assignments without spending a fortune buying retail packages. The programs listed below are distributed under the freeware …

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DLL Show for Windows 9x

DLL Show for Windows 95/98 & Windows ME DLL Show for Windows 9x is a small system utility that displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies. Click your mouse on a listed task or process to see the DLLs that various processes use. DLL Show displays …

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