What is a Petabyte

What is a Petabyte? If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! In order to understand what a petabyte is, we need to begin at the beginning! As you probably already know, a single byte is one unit of storage, …

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Intel Enhanced BIOS

Intel Desktop Boards use an enhanced BIOS specifically designed and tested for each individual board and it’s features. Our dedicated internal BIOS development team is continually incorporating the latest technologies. In addition, each BIOS undergoes extensive platform testing in three different Intel evaluation labs in order to deliver superior quality. …

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Intel Memory Translator Hub ID Utility

Intel® Memory Translator Hub (MTH) Reboot Issue Intel® MTH ID Utility (Windows* Version) The Intel® MTH ID Utility has been designed to allow any user with an Intel processor based-system to test for the presence of a Memory Translator Hub (MTH) component on your system. If an MTH component is …

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Intel Memory Translator Hub (MTH) ID Utility DOS Version

Intel® Memory Translator Hub (MTH) Reboot Issue Intel® MTH ID Utility (DOS Version) The Intel® MTH ID Utility has been designed to allow any user with an Intel processor based-system to test for the presence of a Memory Translator Hub (MTH) component on your system. This DOS version of the …

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The Intel® Active Monitor Alerting Utility

Intel® Active Monitor The Intel® Active Monitor is a new alerting utility created by Intel and available exclusively on Intel Desktop Boards 1. As PCs increase in performance and decrease in size, monitoring the cooling and overall system health becomes more important. The Intel Active Monitor works with specialized sensors …

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Intel Rapid Bios Boot

Intel® Rapid BIOS Boot What is Intel® Rapid BIOS Boot? Intel® Rapid BIOS Boot is an optimized BIOS available only on Intel® Desktop Boards and significantly improves boot time without sacrificing features, quality, or reliability. The BIOS Power On Self Test (POST) was streamlined by parallelizing tasks, eliminating redundant code, …

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The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver

The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver If you have arrived here through a search engine, and you do not see a menu to the left click here! Soon after the release of the I810 and I815 chipsets and the arrival of ATA and Ultra-ATA, Intel® released utilities to properly install …

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Intel Express Bios Update

Intel® Express BIOS Update Intel® Express BIOS Update combines the functionality of iFLASH and the ease-of-use of InstallShield applications, by packaging the BIOS file within an automated update utility. Update your BIOS while in the Windows* environment, without creating a boot disk. Download is approximately 1 MB. Follow these user-friendly …

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Intel(R) Processor Frequency ID Utility

Intel(R) Processor Frequency ID Utility reports the processor frequency for supported processors, the utility runs a speed test algorithm to determine the processor’s operating frequency and compares it to the processor’s expected frequency. Both the reported frequency and expected frequency are displayed on the Frequency Test Tab. If the processor …

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Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver and Adaptec® Easy CD Creator® Notification

Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver and Adaptec® Easy CD Creator® Notification When installing the Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver after Easy CD Creator version 4.02c_s10 on systems with Windows 2000 installed, the system will fail to complete installation of the Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver resulting in a blue screen …

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