File Attributes

File Attributes If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Each file is stored in a directory, and uses a directory entry that describes its characteristics such as its name, file extension and size. The directory entry also contains a …

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Setting Up Windows 95

After you install and configure TCP/IP, you need to configure a Dial-Up Networking connection to an Internet Service Provider. The way you configure the connection settings will depend on the type of Internet server to which you are connecting. To connect to a PPP server that supports the Password Authentication …

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Using Scheduled Tasks in Windows 2000

Using Scheduled Tasks Using Scheduled Tasks, you can schedule any script, program, or document to run at a time that is most convenient for you. Scheduled Tasks starts each time you start Windows 2000, and runs in the background. Using the Scheduled Task wizard (available by double-clicking Scheduled Tasks in Control …

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Microsoft Backup, Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step

Developing your Backup Strategy You wouldn’t believe how many computer users don’t bother creating an overall backup strategy, that is until it’s too late! Developing a backup and restoration strategy is easy enough to do and it doesn’t have to be elaborate. The key is to develop a strategy and …

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Microsoft Backup, Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step

How To Restore Previously Backed Up Files The Microsoft Backup utility provides you with the ability to recover one file or the contents of your entire system, presuming of course, that you haven’t taken any shortcuts either in selecting a backup media, testing the integrity of the files after the …

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Microsoft Backup, Using The System Recovery Wizard

Using System Recovery to ensure a successful restoration Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your system may crash hard enough that a simple recovery becomes impossible. This is often the case with an unexplainable hard drive failure, a virus that has rendered your system useless or just a piece of software …

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Microsoft Backup, Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step

Which Backup Device is the Right One? Over the last few years, various backup devices have become an inexpensive option for many computer users. There is quite a selection of device types to choose from, all with varying capabilities. When choosing a backup device, decide first exactly what your needs …

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Error With Slipstreamed CD and Setup Disks in Windows 2000

Error With Slipstreamed CD and Setup Disks in Windows 2000 When you develop a slipstreamed or integrated installation point, such as on a second hard drive or share on a server, and then burn those slipstreamed files to a CD-ROM disk, in all probability you will receive an error if …

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Microsoft Backup, Backing Up Windows 98 Step By Step

Backing Up Your Files If you perform consistent backups, you will have nearly all of the tools you will need to recover from both minor mistakes as well as most computer disasters. The first place to begin is at the beginning, performing a verified, full backup, of your entire system. …

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Setup Does Not Check for INT-13 Extensions

Setup Does Not Check for INT-13 Extensions Before Creating System Partition If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here!   The information in this article applies to: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Microsoft Windows 2000 Server …

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