PCI IDE Controller Compatibility Mode Error

PCI IDE Bus Compatibility Mode Errors After installing Windows 98 on your system, you may have an error that seems to be troublesome to resolve, and that is with the PCI IDE bus controller on the motherboard. This “PCI IDE” bus is for your IDE hard drives and any CD-ROM …

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Intel Motherboard Cross Reference

Marketing Name Development Name Chipset BIOS Info Processors supported PCI 66 Slots PCI 33 Slots ISA Slots Cache Memory Memory SIMM Type 1st Disk (for two drives) 2nd Disk (for two drives) Video Graphics Audio I/O AC450NX Platform ? 450NX PCIset 100MHz ? Quad Pentium II Xeon 4 5+1 0+1 …

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Hard Drive Preparation

PREPARING THE HARD DRIVE Whether you are preparing the hard drive to install Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000, the procedure is essentially unchanged. Of course there are minor issues that must be considered, such as the size of the partitions, number of partitions and whether …

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Using Slot-to-Socket Adapters (SSAs) on Intel Motherboards

Intel® Use of Boxed Intel® Desktop Boards and Pentium ® III Processors in the FC-PGA Package with Slot-to-Socket Adapters (SSAs) Updated June 2000 Intel only recommends using desktop boards equipped with the 370-pin socket for the boxed Intel Pentium® III processor in the FC-PGA package. The Intel CA810E and D810EMO …

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Intel Motherboards, Slot-to-Socket (ssa) Adapters and FC-PGA Processors

Slot-to-Socket (ssa) Adapters Over the last several months several manufacturers have released Slot-to-Socket (SSA) Adapters to enable those who have purchased Slot 1 motherboards to use to use the Intel® Pentium ® III Flip Chip Pin Grid Array type processor. During our own test trials we have noted that many …

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Windows 98 Second Edition Readme Files

Windows 98 Second Edition Config.txt This file contains information about commands you may see with your Config.sys file in Windows 98 Second Edition. The Windows 98 Second Edition Config.txt file is located in the Windows folder after Windows 98 Second Edition is installed. Windows 98 Second Edition Display.txt This file …

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Troubleshooting Windows 98

Troubleshooting Windows 98® Basic Windows 98 Troubleshooting Procedures The following provides you with basic instructions for troubleshooting problems that may occur when running Windows 98. Important! Create a Startup Disk, and verify that it works before you need it, and we would prefer that you create and test two Startup …

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Fatal Exception 0E Errors

If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Resolving occasional or persistent Fatal Exception 0E (that’s zero E) Errors can be extremely difficult, and at times, even impossible, to resolve. At times, resolution can be a simple matter of a …

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Adding New Publishing Directories

Welcome to the section on adding new publishing directories to your Web site. As your site grows in complexity, or if you begin using scripts and applications in your Web pages, you may want to add additional directories and specify the type of access permitted to them. This section describes …

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Upgrade Your Web Browser

           Click here to update your browser.   Find out more about potential security issues after December 31, 1999.   Find out more about date-related issues after December 31, 1999.      Note:  For added security in the future, we recommend that you to take advantage of 128-bit encryption.     Find out more about …

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