FontPage Tips and Tricks

Coloring Cells in Tables in FrontPage If you’re working with a table and you’re coloring individual cells, you should be aware of one small glitch that effects how this coloring will be seen. If the cell is inside a table with another color, you won’t be able to see the …

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Performance Center Introduction, Computers, Servers, Networking, Site Design

Getting effective feedback, using mailto links and HTML forms Your Web site exists to serve its visitors. Prospective customers have to be able to find the information they need to decide whether they want to do business with you, and existing customers need ongoing support. You know your site tells …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, Page Descriptions are Very Important

Creating Accurate Page Descriptions is Very Important! When you are out on the Internet, there are lots of signposts to help you figure out where you are. Obviously, there’s the address of the site you’re visiting. But, just as important, there is the page title. That’s the title of the …

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Performance Center Introduction, Computers, Servers, Networking, Site Design

For a comprehensive list of shortcuts, ask the Answer Wizard for help. In FrontPage 2000, press F1 to display Help, click the Answer Wizard tab, and then type keyboard shortcuts in the text box. Here are some of the most useful FrontPage shortcut keys: Activity Shortcut Keys Help F1 Select …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, More Special Characters

More Special Characters With the exception of HTML 2.0‘s “, &, <, and >, browser support for these entities is generally poor. Recent browsers support some of these character entity references and decimal character references, and more are sure to come. Character Entity Decimal Hex Rendering in Your Browser Entity …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, Creating a Website Outline in FrontPage

Using an Outline to Build your Website! There’s no doubt that if you were to think back to your days in school, you may remember your teacher always telling you to write an outline before you started writing a paper. You may not have been listening, but you really should …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, Clean Code, Sloppy Code, or maybe something in between?

Clean Code, Sloppy Code, or maybe something in between? Every day we hear people complain about being unable to read HTML code. On the other hand, we also listen to complaints from IT personnel and users alike, about how long it takes for relatively simple as well as complicated pages …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, Picture swapping in FrontPage

Picture Swapping in FrontPage Here’s a cool trick for you to use on your Web site. A visitor clicks on a photo, and when the clicking’s done, the picture disappears and transforms into an image of a checkmark or another image entirely. Cool huh? Want do that on your Web …

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Frontpage Tips and Tricks, How You Name Your Pages Is Important

How You Name Your Pages Is Important! Say you’re in the Navigation view of FrontPage and you just added a bunch of different pages to create that all-important outline. The only problem is that the pages have non-descriptive names like new_page_1.htm and new_page_2.htm. Okay, so how do you change them? …

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Entities for Latin (Euro) Characters

Latin (Euro) Character Entities The table below provides you with character entity references, decimal character references, and hexadecimal character references for 8-bit characters in the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character set, as well as the rendering of each in your browser. Glyphs of the characters are available at the Unicode Consortium. As …

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