Performance Center, Benefits of Increased RAM in Windows 2000

Benefits of Increased RAM in Windows 2000

Windows 2000 High End Winstone Results

Test system with Intel Pentium III processor at 533B MHz

Performance gain going to: 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 64MB 41% 45% 47%

Test system with Intel Pentium II processor at 350 MHz

Performance gain going to: 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 64MB 27% 30% 31%

Test system with Intel Celeron processor at 433 MHz

Performance gain going to: 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 64MB 30% 34% 38%

Windows 2000 Business Winstone Results

Test system with Intel Pentium III processor at 533B MHz

Performance gain going to: 64MB 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 32MB** 201% 259% 266% 265%
From 64MB   19% 21% 21%

Test system with Intel Pentium II processor at 350 MHz

Performance gain going to: 64MB 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 32MB** 169% 217% 217% 218%
From 64MB   18% 18% 18%

Test system with Intel Celeron processor at 433 MHz

Performance gain going to: 64MB 128MB 192MB 256MB
From 32MB** 159% 202% 208% 208%
From 64MB   17% 19% 19%

*Microsoft’s official system requirements for Windows 2000 Professional states the need for at least 64MB of RAM. Can you see why!

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