Open GL Test Utility For Windows

Open GL Information and Test Utility For Windows OpenGL_Infos v1.09 Have you ever needed to test your Open GL drivers or at the least obtain some information about the Open GL drivers you have installed? This little C++ utility will test your OpenGL drivers, and in addition it will display …

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Optout Privacy Software

OptOut Most of you who read this have probably noticed that every time you visit a Website, even most of those dedicated supposedly to just providing “useful” information, you are either flooded with a multitude of offers to buy this, that or something else, or there are tons of those …

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Process Switching Tool

ProcessSwitch ProcessSwitch v1.0 (updated 22 August 2000) Power users will like this! Absolute control for how CPU resources are allocated to any application! It allows predefined programs (executables) of choice to run in a specified priority mode (Idle, High, Real-time, Normal). Manage just how much of your CPU resources are …

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Windows Security Local Port Scanner

Local Port Scanner For Windows Is your computer a gracious host on the Internet? What we mean by that is, have you left yourself wide open to an outsider hacking your computer. Just how wide open is your computer? Would you like to know? With the Local Port Scanner you’re …

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Regmon by

Active Ports Active Ports is an easy to use tool for Windows NT/2000/XP that enables you to monitor all open TCP/IP and UDP ports on the local computer. Active Ports maps ports to the owning application so you can watch which process has opened which port. It also displays a …

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Using ShellNew to add and remove items from Explorer

ShellNew Add/Remove If you have ever installed any software packages like Adobe, Office 97, Office 2000, Print Shop Pro, WordPerfect or even WinZip, at some point you noticed another item had been added to the “Right Click” New menu on your desktop. Some of us take advantage of these additions, …

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Performance Center Introduction, Computers, Servers, Networking, Site Design

Directory Lister Regardless of which version of Windows you are using, when you find that you have a need to manage files and create and adequate list of all of the files in a given directory, a simple task can turn into a chore. We frequently need to examine our …

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Drive Image Pro by PowerQuest

Drive Image Pro 4.0 By: PowerQuest Release Date: 09\08\00 Size: 29 Megs License: Shareware $99.00 – $220.00 Requires: Windows 95\98\NT\2000\ME Drive Image® Pro™ 4.0 provides IT professionals with powerful cloning tools for fast, flawless system deployment. Whether the need is to distribute a new operating system, update an application suite, …

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Vice Versa Free File Comparison Program

Vice Versa If you’re only using one computer, you may be thinking that this program would be of no use to you, but think again. Have you ever had a ton of documents or picture (or both) on your computer and wanted to make sure that you had “all” of …

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Windows 2000 Compatibility With Third Party Applications

Windows 2000 Compatibility With Third Party Applications One of the better enhancements added to Windows 2000 by Microsoft, was the capability of easily adding additional application support after the product shipped. In February 2001, Microsoft released its fifth application support update, and it includes software compatibility updates for Windows 2000 …

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