Introduction to Fast Ethernet

Introduction to Fast Ethernet Welcome to our Fast Ethernet information center! Whether you’re building a network from scratch and want exceptional speed, or you’re simply expanding an existing Fast Ethernet network, we have a full line of fast 100Mbps hardware that is perfect for video conferencing, multimedia, graphics, fast data …

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Windows Device Manager Registry Keys

Registry Keys Used by the Device Manager The Device Manager uses registry keys stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\b0 key. The following are the major subkeys of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\b0 key: Active\b0 The Active\b0 key contains subkeys that track currently active drivers loaded by the Device Manager. Device driver setup routines should not …

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mirror MS-DOS Command

Type: External Syntax: MIRROR [d:]path [d:] path […] MIRROR [d1:][d2:][…] [/T(drive)(files)] [/partn][/U][/1] Purpose: Used to store information about a disk’s file allocation table, boot record, and root directory (to be used later for file recovery). (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion The …

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Memory Latencies

Memory Latency What is it, and what causes it? Memory latency is comprised of the following factors: Address decoding delay Word line delay Bit line sensing delay Output driving delay Wire RC Delay (dominant) If the effects of chip processing improvements are considered, it has been found that DRAM latency …

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The Windows 2000 Recycle Bin

The Windows 2000 Recycle Bin The Recycle Bin provides a safety net when deleting files or folders in Windows 2000. When you delete any of these items from your hard disk, Windows 2000 places it in the Recycle Bin and the Recycle Bin icon changes from empty to full. Items deleted from …

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Why Fast Ethernet

Why Choose Fast Ethernet? The answer to this question is simple! Fast Ethernet offers numerous advantages over standard Ethernet networks. It is fully capable of running at speeds of up to 100 million bits per second. It is ten times faster than older 10BaseT networks, which makes it perfect for …

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Introduction to Fibre Networking

Introduction to Fiber Networking If you are truly interested in overcoming the distance and speed limitations imposed by 10/100 based networking, Fiber Networking is the direction to travel. Fiber cabling is presently the best way to get the ultimate in speed-intensive performance from your 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network. Known as …

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Append MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.3 and later) Syntax: APPEND APPEND ; APPEND [d:]path[;][d:]path[…] APPEND [/X:on|off][/path:on|off][/E] Purpose: Sets the path to be searched for data files or displays the current search path. Discussion The APPEND command is new to DOS with Versions 3.3 and later. It gives you a way to set the …

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How to Wire a Network

Twisted Pair Cabling Twisted-pair (also known as 10BaseT) is ideal for small, medium, or large networks that need flexibility and the capacity to expand as the number of network users grows. 10BaseT cabling looks very similar to that of common telephone cable, although instead of four (4) wires, there are …

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BIOS Startup Screen

BIOS Startup Screen If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! When the system BIOS starts up, you may see its familiar screen display, normally after the video adapter displays its information. On some machines from the major manufacturers, this …

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