Main Support Page

Technical Help Welcome to our technical assistance pages. These pages have been assembled to assist you with numerous issues involving the use and maintenance of your computer. They begin with assisting you with the preparation of hard drives as well as the installation of operating systems, and take you through …

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Reviewing Microsoft's Windows Millennium Edition

Continuing our review of Microsoft’s Windows Millennium Edition, with a deeper look at the PC Health issues.. Let’s start with Microsoft’s overhaul of Windows Help. Finally Microsoft has seen the light, by making it easier for new users to use Windows! Microsoft has given the Windows help system a major …

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Memory, Evolution or Revolution?

Memory Evolution or Revolution? Introduction Everywhere you look on the Internet lately you’ll find discussions about computer memory. These discussions range from which memory type is the best, not the best, least expensive or the most expensive. If you search long enough you will even find a few really authoritative …

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Terms Used in Describing ATA/UDMA Devices

ATA/UDMA Device Definitions Hard drive technologies are expanding at a meteoric rate, like so many other computer technologies today. Just a short time ago, there were two terms to define hard drives, IDE and SCSI. Today, as new drive technologies develop and old ones expand, the terms that define them …

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Operating Systems and File Systems Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Windows 2000 There’s little question that Windows® NT was very successful for Microsoft through the 1990s, but as the software began to mature, a number of  …

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Operating Systems and File Systems Windows® 95A

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Windows 95A As discussed earlier in this segment, the initial versions of Windows®, Windows 3.x etcetera, represented a significant improvement over the text-based and single-tasking environment …

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Monitoring Registry Activity During the Boot Process

The first 5,000 to 10,000 records in a Regmon log file will be the result of boot and system driver initialization. An interesting observation that can be made by comparing a NT 4.0 log to an NT 5.0 log is that its very clear that Microsoft has been thinking about …

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Speed up your Fast Ethernet Network

How to Speed Up Your Existing Fast Ethernet Network Fast Ethernet networks, in most cases, operate with shared bandwidth, which means that the network’s overall speed is spread out across all of the available computers (nodes). If you have a hub with 5 nodes attached to it, and the total …

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select MS-DOS Command

Type: External Syntax: SELECT [d:] [d:][path][country code][keyboard code] Purpose: Formats a disk and installs country-specific information and keyboard codes In DOS Version 6, this command is stored on the DOS supplemental disk. Discussion SELECT transfers country-specific information, such as date and time formats for a country. After the target disk …

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Operating Systems and File Systems – OS/2

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! IMB’s OS/2 HPFS File System In the early 1990s, two of the biggest competitors in the computer industry each had an urgent need, they both needed …

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