Review of Microsoft's Windows Millennium Edition

AA   Is it in your future? There’s been much written lately about Microsoft’s Windows Millennium Edition (Windows ME) based upon reviews of the Beta release, some of it complimentary and some not so complimentary. Some of the critics have stated that Windows ME is far less of an operating …

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Microsoft's ScanReg Utility

Microsoft’s ScanReg Utility If you have read any of our articles pertaining to either the Windows Registry or to Microsoft’s Backup utility, you may have noticed our mention of Microsoft’s ScanReg utility. If you’re wondering just what Scanreg is, and what it can do, this article should answer that for …

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AUP Acceptable Computer Use Policy

Scripting is easy to use! You just create a text file with the extension ‘.spt’ and then run the program from a shortcut with the command “c:\aup\aup.exe script.spt”, where “c:\aup\aup.exe” is the path of the program, and “script.spt” is the name of the script file to use. Once you have …

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EMI- Electro-Magnetic Interference

EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference must be addressed in all electronic components, with maximum levels mandated by standards and regulations in almost every part of the world. In standard PC design, EMI is controlled at the motherboard level and contained by the chassis or enclosure. The containment of EMI is often referred …

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Network Subnet Calculator

Advanced Subnet Calculator  Indeed, a Calculator with Teeth! Have you forgotten how to do those subnet calculations? Have you tried some of those down and dirty utilities that barely provide the basics? Well here’s a neat, full featured and free tool from SolarsWinds that does its job and more. To …

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Saving or Not Saving Settings on Exit in Windows

Saving (or Not Saving) Your Windows Settings on Exit It is relatively easy to have your computer Save Setting On Exit. All you need to do is change your “NoSaveSettings” Key in your registry to read like this: “NoSaveSettings”=hex:00,00,00,00” Click Start, Run and type in Regedit and click OK. The …

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comp MS-DOS Command

Type: External Syntax: COMP [d:][path][filename] [d:][path][filename] [/A][/C][/D][/L][/N:(number)] Purpose: Compares two groups of files to find information that does not match. (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion Compares two files or two groups of files. The files can have the same names, or …

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scandisk MS-DOS Command

SCANDISK [d: [d: . . .]|/all][/checkonly|/autofix[/nosave]|/custom][/surface] [/mono][/nosummary] SCANDISK volume-name[/checkonly|/autofix[/nosave]|/custom][/mono] [/nosummary] SCANDISK /fragment [d:][path]filename SCANDISK /undo [undo-d:][/mono] Purpose: Starts the Microsoft ScanDisk program which is a disk analysis and repair tool used to check a drive for errors and correct any problems that it finds (new with DOS Version 6.2). Discussion …

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The Technical Aspects of DDR and RDRAM RDRAM/DDR: Part I, Technical Aspects” Ed Stroligo – 5/21/00 Introduction There are three major areas of contention between these two memory systems: The technical aspects The production/cost aspects The political aspects With the exceptions of very low-end PCs and servers, technical factors are …

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Display Adapter Failed – Using Alternate

Display Adapter Failed – Using Alternate If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: Although rarely seen today, some early system systems have the ability to support a primary and a secondary video display (the secondary typically being monochrome …

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