Windows Tray Process Killer

TrayKiller This one is definitely a keeper! TrayKiller is a simple MS Windows application that will permit you to configure groups of programs to start and stop by merely toggling an icon in the system tray. Useful for quickly killing a large collection of background processes before doing any processor …

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Verifying DMI Pool Data

Verifying DMI Pool Data in Windows 95/98 Disclaimer:  This information is provided as is without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will DEW Associates Corporation be liable to you for any damages, including any loss of profit or savings, arising out of the use or …

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9 Effective Ways to Travel Alone Safely

You may be ready for your first trip alone. Your parents or your partner may be worrying themselves sick at the mere prospect of seeing you travel alone. They may be urging you to take someone along too. But you know you can do it, and so that should be …

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How Fat is the Fat – The Windows File Allocation Table

Cutting the Slack (or maybe the Fat!) Drive Partition Efficiency: Controlling Slack Wasted space, optimization, fragmented, defragmentation and slack. Terms that not too long ago had little or no meaningful relationship to computers, let alone hard drives, or any type of drive for that matter. File fragmentation, one of the …

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Useful MS-DOS Commands

Useful MS-DOS® Commands If you’re like most of us, long forgotten are those Dos commands that are very useful in preparing computers for installation, make command line changes as well as a myriad of other things. Hopefully you will find some use for the following. Need help determining MS-DOS commands: …

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5 things to Know Before Gambling With Bitcoins

If you have a need and you want to make money in a simple way, this is the right place to learn a little more about this option. Money opportunities are all around us. So if you want to earn something extra you can start offering your physical or mental …

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How to Legally Buy Recreational Cannabis Online

Internet improved our lives in so many ways, and one of them is rather peculiar. These days you can order weed online. Amazing! Something that you couldn’t imagine in the past is relatively standard today. There’s no more need for shady dealers, illegal supply channels, and websites you can’t trust. …

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6 last-minute Valentine’s Day gift ideas To try in 2024

Valentine’s Day is one of those moments where you can truly express your love to your partner. For many, it is considered to be one of the most romantic days of the entire year. If you want to show your true love, you will have to use this moment to …

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6 Reasons Never to Buy Cheap Protein Powder

When we start exercising and building muscles, we want to speed up the process as much as possible and we want to do that in the healthiest way. It is said that protein powder is going to give you the needed natural supplements, along with a boost that your body …

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Outdoor Water Fountains: Are They Worth the Investment?

An outdoor water fountain can be anything, from just a simple decoration in your garden to an elaborately designed piece that includes a statue or a waterfall. Whatever the case might be, it will improve the overall look of your yard. Also, the look, feel, and sound of water has …

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