Generalized Customer Assistance

The two most important things to do on this page is (1) Tell us who you are, as without that we cannot contact you, and (2) Please provide as much information as you can about the problem you are having. Likewise, if you are pleased with something, we would like …

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Wintop Wintop is one of the Microsoft Kernel Toys. When installed and used correctly, it displays information on all of the devices that are running in the Windows environment, such as their CPU usage, threads etcetera. To install Wintop, download the file and then extract the zip file contents into …

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Troubleshooting Category One Memory Problems

Troubleshooting Category 1 Memory Problems If you haven’t added any new hardware, and you haven’t made any changes to the existing hardware (e.g. you haven’t been inside the PC case for any reason), this narrows the possibilities considerably. You suspect the problem resulted from an external source: If you suspect …

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Billing Issue

There are several things that you must do here so that may serve you quickly and efficiently, (1) Please tell us who you are, as without this information we cannot contact you, and (2) Please provide as much information as you can about the your billing and what it is …

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Hard Drive Glossary

Cable Select (CSEL) An optional feature per ANSI ATA specification (IDE cable connector #28). Your computer’s motherboard must be capable of supporting this feature, plus you need a special IDE cable that is designed for CSEL. On some drives that support CSEL, the enabling jumper number is not a consistent …

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Clearing the Bios or CMOS Password

Removing a Bios – CMOS Password Unfortunately, access to computers can, at times, be blocked for all of the wrong reasons. Sometimes this occurs due hardware related issues such as electrical problems or due to inadvertence, such as someone setting and then forgetting the password. It can happen as the …

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Hard Drive Size Limitations and Barriers, The Basics

Hard Drive Size Limitations and Barriers The Basics Introduction If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to add a new hard drive only to be confronted by the inability to use it’s entire …

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Windows 95, 98 and Millenium Edition Support for Memory Configurations Greater than 512MB

Use of Memory Configurations Greater than 512MB in Windows 95, 98 and Windows Millennium Edition There have been numerous questions that have arisen since the release of Windows 95 regarding memory limitations in Windows 9x. These questions resurface with each subsequent release, and cover Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, Windows …

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Logical Block Addressing

Prior to the advent of Logical Block Addressing, all hard drives were accessed via CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector) or Extended CHS, which means that the drive was accessed by specifying its cylinder, head and sector address. More appropriately, it was referred to as accessing the drive through its “geometry”. Extended …

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Windows 95, 98 and NT Setup Switches

98/95/NT SETUP SWITCHES If you try to install Windows 95/98 from a DOS prompt, SETUP allows several command line switches, also available to their Windows based counterpart. Run this the following command for available parameters: SETUP /? “Setup Options: SETUP [/C] [/IL] [batch] [/T:TMP] [/IM] [/ID] [/IS] [/IQ] [/IN] /C …

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