It has long been clear to all lovers of social media that Instagram is more about visual content than about thoughtful research on near-scientific subjects.
Occasionally, of course, there is a serious slog, but such posts usually do not get many likes. And in our newsfeeds and posts, we more and more often flip through the images, stopping to look at only a select few. What are the principles of good statistics, why do you spend time on some images and articles, and some you flip through and forget as if they never happened?
Attracting attention to your content is not difficult if you already have 1000, 10000 subscribers, views, or likes on your page. No? Then getting them on for your Instagram account is easy.
Table of Contents
Beautiful image

The image requirements (for both layout and photos) are not complicated but must be met. When taking pictures with a smartphone, pay attention to the light. Daylight is especially good. Shooting at sunset and sunrise are also no exception, they give golden colors. The main thing is not to miss precious minutes, because there is nothing worse than dark, uninteresting shots.
If you have a commercial account, we don’t recommend using hackneyed layouts like “writing on a circle. Engage a designer or figure it out on your own. Layouts should be interesting and attractive. We recommend replacing the standard fonts with individual ones. Observe the general requirements for the entire band. It should have its own unique style. Do color correction of photos. Use photo filters and planning software.
A unique message
While complying with the technical requirements do not forget about the meaning of the images. They should not be boring and mysterious. Routine panoramas are not suitable. Just morning, just coffee and other banalities also will not attract attention and will not give messages to the direct. The message should be clear and interesting, it is important to bring something of your own. Let it be a bouquet of flowers from her husband. But with an interesting note and a cute surprise on your face on an unusual background.
Well, and of course, a nice picture of an athletic figure always works. Male or female, the main thing that she and the red swimsuit passed moderation. More faces, beautiful interiors, dishes with a unique serving. Instagram visitors are used to showing off the beautiful life. Fireworks and trees will also flip through if you don’t snag some interesting information. Speaking of content.
Tasty content

To captivate with text rather than photos, you’ll have to try harder. Above we have already talked about the banality, so here, too, she was out of place. You need to write about fashion – beautiful, about food – delicious, about travel – interesting. Good texts are useful texts. Our checklist for topics
1) Most importantly, start with the main point. No one has time to read and look where the seeds of your text are. Save the user time.
2) Answer questions. Expertise is always welcome. Create a buzz of likes on your page by solving the user’s problems.
3) Hitlists. Good old-fashioned lists of who excels at what will never go out of style.
4) Helpful Tips. Tips can be unsolicited, but valuable.
5) Separately, let’s talk about shock content. Pepper is always a “go. Here the main thing is a sense of proportion. It’s best to avoid impolite topics about religion, race, and health. Parodies, remixes, cuts, professional stunts and pop culture references will be of interest.
6) How-to articles. How to cook and not ruin your manicure or how to take cool selfies in the rain and not get wet.
Profile design
We recommend focusing on stories and live broadcasts For 15-second videos are more popular than silent posts. In fact, they are already replacing television, as they contain both reports from interesting events and interviews and simply beautiful shots. Don’t be afraid to dilute commercial account stories with promotional information if it’s useful. The user will pause in the feed if he sees a product he likes or a good discount. This and only this way you can increase sales on Instagram.
And one last tip, go live more often, remember that modesty is the path to oblivion. Use placeholders and other design wonders. Don’t forget that numbers are crucial. Cost, discounts, promotional terms, and so on – catch the eye and give specifics. Make paragraphs and use hidden characters. Emotions have not been canceled. Smiley faces are great to dilute the long text.
Profile design is last on the list, but not least. The requirements are not that complicated. If you are a blogger – it should be your personal photo, in the best angle and execution. Emotions, good makeup, light and other things are welcome. If an online store – there is nothing better than a logo, there is no need to overload it with additional inscriptions. Applications are guaranteed.
How to create a post on Instagram – instructions for a selling post

An Instagram post is the text that is posted by platform users along with a photo or video. The text limit is 2200 characters.
This is one of the main tools for promoting a page, product, or service on Instagram.
The motives for the posts are different, but the rules for the texts are the same.
Write a goal, a plan, talking points, and only then proceed to the post. It should consist of:
- title;
- introduction;
- the main part;
- conclusion.
Titles stand out visually if they are written in THOSE letters.
That’s how it’s done in the previous photo.
We recommend using the 4U method to compose a headline for an Instagram post:
- usefulness;
- specificity;
- urgency;
- uniqueness.
Competent headlines should reflect the content of the text.
The introduction should quickly attract interest. If the introduction will be long and consist of “water” – immediately a failure. Post on Instagram will not read further. Intrigue the reader with 2-3 sentences. The main part should be informative. Here you can disclose the benefits of the product and specify the price.
The conclusion is a ready-made conclusion and appeal. The reader should not be left misunderstanding, he should not guess “so what to do in the end? After reading the post he should have an understanding of his next steps. The post should evoke emotions. Do not write monotonous texts, the reader will get bored and unsubscribe. Positive, negative, and helpful posts alternate. And to avoid getting banned, maintain a friendly atmosphere and do not violate human rights.
The main types of posts on Instagram for business and personal profile

1. A selling post on Instagram is the main type for business profiles
The purpose of the post is to sell a product/service.
The easiest way to create selling text is to use the AIDA formula:
- attention;
- interest;
- desire;
- action.
Catch the attention in the headline.
- Hold interest in the introduction and main body.
- In the same place, create a desire to buy.
- And in the conclusion, encourage action.
Try to make a bonus, give a promo code or lower the price for a few days to stimulate.
An appeal can be a phrase: sign up; write to direct to buy a product; when you’re browsing the site, look “here”, etc.
With the help of appeals, we can achieve different goals. Including we can gather a mailing list base for additional sales. Then our task is to motivate the subscriber to write something to us in Direct.
It’s very important to know who the target audience is.
Posts must be written strictly for the needs of the audience and in the language of its benefits. That is, we describe in simple words and slang of the target audience the benefits of the product, which are important to the client.
2. Engaging Instagram posts – so they don’t get bored
Remember that subscribers are not robots, but ordinary people who need to relax and have fun.
Come up with rubrics and engage the passive reader. By doing so, you increase loyalty. Games, polls, contests, raffles, etc. will do.
3. Informational post on Instagram – serves to gain the trust of your subscribers
You need to increase your expertise in the face of your audience. Share unique information, not typical google information. Talk about yourself, the team, the product, cover interesting related topics, share stories of victories, share the news. Try doing “product of the day” and “employee’s birthday” columns for subscribers to get to know the assortment and the team.
To make your Instagram profile interesting to people, try to alternate views. And remember – any post should be useful to the reader.
Topics for Instagram posts

Relevant topic blocks:
- The benefits of your product;
- The values of the company;
- The nature of the product;
- Your mission;
- The essence and usefulness of the product;
- Real cases;
- Personal story;
- Your behind-the-scenes;
- Leads from the outside world, news on the subject of the blog.
And people also like tests for self-discovery. I talked about the “human design” test and collected a record number of comments on the page.
The photos for the posts should also be attractive and vivid.
In a nutshell, you can put the subject of the post on the photo. So it’s more convenient for subscribers to find the necessary information.
Photos and text of the post should be combined.
You don’t have to put a picture of a cake with a text about fitness exercises.
This is a useful feature because the post is not displayed in all subscribers’ feeds. We recommend that as soon as the post is posted – duplicate it in the stories. This will affect the coverage of the post.
It’s also a very useful feature for giveaways. When you raffle off something, make it a condition for participation – repost the post to your post and mark your profile. That’s a great PR for your page. And if you set up a bot, it’s also a convenient way to choose a winner.
The first week the posts should be written every day, so Instagram noticed the activity and the profile was visible.
After that – once every 2 days, and if it’s a product, no more than 4 times a day.
Hashtags and links in Instagram posts

Links are clickable only in the “profile header,” so you MUSTn’t leave them in your posts, but you MUST leave hashtags.
But it is better to leave them in the comments of the post so that they do not annoy your subscribers. It is recommended that you put 3-5 hashtags.
And so they were not visible: leave any symbol in the comments, and respond to it hashtags. Then delete the comment with the symbol. And despite the fact that the hashtags are actually no longer under the post, Instagram will still show your post by them.