Dewwa Socc

rmdir MS-DOS Command

RMDIR (RD) (Remove Directory) Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: RMDIR [d:]path Purpose: Removes a subdirectory. Discussion RMDIR removes directories that are empty. To determine if a directory is empty, use the DIR command to display the directory’s contents. For example, to determine if the directory NEW is empty, enter …

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Windows 2000 Technical Help Support Pages

Technical Help Support Pages *Developed by DEW Associates Corporation The following pages and the information provided therein should not be construed in any manner as “Official Microsoft Customer Support” pages. The information and data found on this and all other similar pages at this site has been gathered from many …

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Memory Latency and Application Performance

Application Performance and Loaded Memory Latency Application execution times are influenced by many factors, including processor frequency and platform efficiency. For most desktop, workstation and server applications, the memory latency or delay seen by the processor core while running actual workloads (i.e., loaded latency) dominates platform efficiency. Main memory latency, …

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date MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (1.0 and later) Syntax: DATE DATE mm-dd-yy Purpose: Displays current date setting and provides a way to reset the date. Discussion You can enter the DATE command alone and the program will prompt you when to enter the date. You can also enter the date at the same …

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echo MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: ECHO on|off ECHO (message) Purpose: Turns on or off the display of commands in a batch file. Can also be used to display a message in a batch file. Discussion Normally, commands in a batch file are displayed as the batch file runs. ECHO …

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Testing the Windows Millennium Edition Installation

Windows Millennium Edition Installation Test Results (Preliminary) Although Microsoft’s Millennium Edition does a fantastic job of shortening the startup time and streamlining the user interface with a new look and a raft of new features, we were concerned with how it would handle upgrades and fresh installations across a broad …

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Windows 98

Windows 98 ™ Technical Help Support Page *Developed by DEW Associates Corporation The following pages are not to be construed in any manner as “Official Microsoft Customer Support” pages. The information and data found on this and all other similar pages at this site has been gathered from many sources, …

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Upgrade or Clean Install of Windows 2000 Professional

Whether you upgrade from an earlier “upgradeable” operating system or format and install a clean copy of Windows 2000 Professional can only be determined by you and the current state of your computer. Our recommendations in this regard are irrelevant unless we built the computer or server upon which you …

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Drive Preparation

STOP! Before you go any further…. Unless your hard drive is new and without any data on it, do not proceed any further without taking some precautionary steps! 1.  Make sure you backup any necessary data that may be on your hard drive that you need, such as documents, email, …

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Windows 95

Windows 95 ™ Technical Help Support Page *Developed by DEW Associates Corporation The following pages are not to be construed in any manner as “Official Microsoft Customer Support” pages. The information and data found on this and all other similar pages at this site has been gathered from many sources, …

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