Systems Technologies – The best in Intel Xeon Servers

May 2011

As you are probably aware, in May of 2011 number technology operations were spun off into either subsidiaries or converted into joint ventures. Although these will eventually become separate entities, they will remain affiliated with DEW Associates Corporation. In essence, we are separating our desktop operations from our server development, co-location services and our custom server operations to make them more efficient. Other areas of our business are also being separated into separate entities as well.

June 2012

The expansion of our server co-location operations is nearly complete. If you’re serious about owning or leasing your own server, please contact us. We are also expanding our basic server options from which you can start building your own unique server.

May 2013

We have added 19 new server options to our menu. While many server retailers are offering their servers with any one of a number of operating systems, we have decided to build only Windows based servers as the learning curve for our customers has been far less with Windows than with any other operating system.

January 2014

We have streamlined our 1U and 2U Intel Xeon Rack Server Systems that will enable you to start building your own server at the lowest possible base price. You can fine 1U Intel Zeon based servers here, and  2U Intel Zeon based servers here. You will find an example of some of our shared web hosting packages here. We have even begun developing entry level server development for those of you who have requested them. You will find examples of those here.

As before, you will find a menu of co-location services here.

If you need to reach Systems Technologies:

Systems Technologies5 Ridge CircleSussex NJ 07461-1143

973-600-3612 (ask for extension 502)

About Dewwa Socc

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