subst MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.1 and later) Syntax: SUBST d: d:path SUBST d: /D Purpose: Substitutes a virtual drive letter for a path designation. Discussion Use the SUBST command to substitute a drive letter for a path in order to treat a virtual drive (a reserved area rather than an actual disk …

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type MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (1.0 and later) Syntax: TYPE [d:][path]filename Purpose: Displays the contents of a file. Discussion When you use the TYPE command, the file is displayed with limited on-screen formatting. Tabs are expanded and generally displayed as eight spaces wide. If you display files that contain special (non-text) characters, these …

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label MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.0 and later) Syntax: LABEL [d:][volume label] Purpose: Creates or changes or deletes a volume label for a disk. Discussion A volume label may consist of up to eleven characters (the same characters that are legal for a file name). If you enter an erroneous volume label, the …

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files MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: FILES=(number) Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the maximum number of files that can be open at the same time. Discussion You should specify a FILES= value of at least 20 to satisfy most of today’s application programs. Some programs, such as …

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dosshell MS-DOS Command

Type: External (4.0 and later) Syntax: DOSSHELL DOSSHELL [/B] [/G:[resolution][n]]|[/T:[resolution][n]] Purpose: Initiates the graphic shell program using the specified screen resolution. (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion Provides a visual representation of the files and directories on disks. Using the DOS Shell, …

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for MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: FOR %%(variable) IN set DO (command) or for interactive processing FOR %%(variable) IN set DO (command) Purpose: Performs repeated execution of commands (for both batch processing and interactive processing). Discussion %% variable can be any character. set can be one or more file specifications. …

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shell MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: SHELL=[d:][path]filename [parameters] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the command interpreter that DOS should use. Discussion In most cases DOS will use the command interpreter COMMAND.COM. If you are using another command interpreter, or if DOS is not in the root directory, …

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deltree MS-DOS Command

Type: External (6.0 and later) Syntax: DELTREE [/Y] [d:]path [d:]path[…] Purpose: Deletes (erases) a directory including all files and subdirectories that are in it (new with DOS Version 6). Discussion Unlike the RMDIR command, the DELTREE command allows you to delete a directory even if it contains files and subdirectories. …

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About Advanced Settings

Although the default settings for PWS allow you to quickly and safely publish documents on your Web site, you may have special needs that require changing some of the defaults. For instance, the default setting is to have a home page that displays links to other documents on your site. …

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mkdir MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: MKDIR (MD) [d:]path Purpose: Creates a new subdirectory. Discussion If you do not specifically enter a path designation, the directory will be created as a subdirectory within the current directory. There is no limit to the number of directories you can create. However, the …

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