mscdex.htm MS-DOS Command

Type: External (6.0 and later) Syntax: MSCDEX /D:driver [/D:driver2. . .] [/E][/K][/S][/V][/L:letter] [/M:number] Purpose: Used to gain access to CD-ROM drives. Discussion MSCDEX can be loaded from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or from the command prompt to gain access to CD-ROM drives. The device driver that came with your CD-ROM must …

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vol MS-DOS Command

VOL (Volume) Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: VOL [d:] Purpose: Displays a disk’s volume label. Discussion The VOL command is used to display the volume label. It is not used to add or change the volume label on a disk. For information on how to create, change, or delete …

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share MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.0 and later) Syntax: SHARE [/F:(space)] [/L:(locks)] Purpose: Installs support for file sharing and file locking. Discussion The SHARE command is used only when networking is active. After you use this command, DOS will check all read or write requests to determine the file sharing or locking status. …

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switches MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (5.0 and later) Syntax: SWITCHES= [/K][/F][/N][/W] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to configure DOS in a special way; for example, to tell DOS to emulate different hardware configurations. Discussion One useful function of the SWITCHES command is if you are using older applications with a new enhanced …

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vsafe MS-DOS Command

Type: External (6.0 and later) Syntax: VSAFE [/option[+|-]…] [/NE][/NX][Ax|/Cx][/N][/D][/U] Purpose: VSAFE is a memory-resident program that continuously monitors your computer for viruses and displays a warning when it finds one. Discussion The VSAFE memory-resident program uses 22K of memory. You should not use the VSAFE command when Windows is running. …

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ver MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: VER Purpose: Displays the DOS version number. Discussion VER displays the DOS version number for the version of DOS currently active. Example To display the currently operating version of DOS, enter ver The program will display MS-DOS Version (version number)

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fcbs MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (3.1 and later) Syntax: FCBS=(number) Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the number of file-control blocks (FCBs) for file sharing. Discussion You should only include an FCBs in your CONFIG.SYS if the program you are using requires it. Most newer programs do not use FCBs. For …

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stacks MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (3.2 and later) Syntax: STACKS STACKS=(number),(size) Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the number of stack frames and the size of each stack frame. Discussion One stack is required whenever DOS receives a hardware interrupt from a device. The information DOS needs to resume the interrupted …

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find MS-DOS Command

Type: External (2.0 and later) Syntax: FIND [/V][/C][/I][/N] string [d:][path]filename[…] Purpose: Finds and reports the location of a specific string of text characters in one or more files. Discussion FIND is a filter command (reads from input, transforms it, and outputs it to the screen, to a file, or to …

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devicehigh MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (5.0 and later) Syntax: DEVICEHIGH=[d:][\path]\filename [parameters] DEVICE [/L:region, min;region,min…] [/S] =[d:][\path]\filename DEVICE [size=hexsize] [d:][\path]\filename [parameters] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to load device drivers into upper memory. Discussion Before DOS can load a device driver into upper memory, there must be an upper memory block (UMB) provider …

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