Memory, Evolution or Revolution?

Memory Evolution or Revolution? (Summary) Does implementation of DDR signal the end of Rambus? We don’t believe it does, but what it may be is a clear signal to Rambus, Inc. to clean up the nasty licensing problems and end the needless litigation over them and concentrate on quality and …

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Resolving Memory Problems

Diagnosing the most common memory problems (Cont.) When you attempt to install Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT, the installation stalls, hangs or the system reboots itself. Just a reminder, this is a memory troubleshooter, so we won’t go into all of the reasons why you may …

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Memory, Evolution or Revolution?

Memory Evolution or Revolution? DDR SDRAM A little more than two years ago, JEDEC SDRAM was perceived as having a theoretical design limitation of 125 MHz, although engineers thought that technology advances may enable manufacturers to push this number up to 133 MHz operation. Obviously the engineers were able to …

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Memory, Evolution or Revolution?

Memory Evolution or Revolution? Like most things, that was then and this is now.. Given the abundance of new motherboard chipsets and new processors on the horizon, there had to be new breakthroughs in memory technology. Let’s look at what has already arrived, and what is on the horizon. HSDRAM …

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Performance Center, Memory Menu

Memory, and going faster! Everyone wants to go faster, and memory is an important factor in the speed and performance equation. More has been written about memory issues in the last two or three years than has been written collectively in the last ten years. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult …

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Changing Your Modem

Changing Your Modem’s COM Port Manually Many times reinstalling an existing modem or replacing and old modem with a new one will lead to problems with the Communications (COM) Port assignment being incorrect for the modem. Most hardware systems will try and assign the modem to COM 1, 2, 3 …

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Support Center – DEW Associates

Although this support page uses frames, your browser doesn’t support them, however that doesn’t mean you cannot access our Technical Assistance pages. The buttons below will take you to the appropriate categories.   Preparing a hard drive for Windows 95, 98 or Windows 2000   Windows 95 from installation through …

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Exiting Windows 98 Automatically using a Batch File

Exiting Windows 98 Automatically using a Batch File You can use either of the following commands in a batch file to restart Windows 98 Automatically: runonce.exe -q rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n Where n is one, or a combination of the following numbers: 0 – LOGOFF 1 – SHUTDOWN 2 – REBOOT …

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Automate the Windows Screen Fresh

Automatic Screen Refresh When you make changes to your file system and use Explorer, the changes are not usually displayed until you press the F5 key To refresh automatically: 1. Open RegEdit 2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update 3. Set the value name “UpdateMode” to 1

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Frequent Kernel32 Errors

Frequent Kernel32 Errors If you have been getting ever increasing numbers of Kernel32 errors on your computer, one of the most frequent reasons for this is corruption in the Windows Swap File. Without getting into a lengthy explanation about the swap file, here is the shortened version. Aside from the …

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