Frequently Asked Questions

At DEW Associates Corporation, we are dedicated to providing you with top quality computers, servers and computer products along with the services necessary to help you get the most out of them. Whenever you have a question, just ask us, we’re only too happy to help! For some helpful answers, …

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Trade Paint: The Biggest Paint Secret Hiding in Plain Sight

Anyone who has ever had the chance to stand beside and run their hand along an F1 car might be surprised at how smooth it feels. Obviously, the car has been waxed to within an inch of its life to let air flow happen as easily as possible, but there’s …

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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Bulk SMS To Grow Your Business In 2024

It’s a new year which means it’s time to sit down with the team and work out the goals for the year and how they are to be achieved. As with most companies, the most important departments are sales and marketing since they are responsible for driving the revenue i.e. …

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How Windows 2000 Assigns, Reserves and Stores Drive Letters

How Windows 2000 Assigns, Reserves, and Stores Drive Letters The information applies to: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Microsoft Windows 2000 Server In Windows 2000, all drive letters assigned to volumes are assigned by the Mount Manager (MountMgr) program. After a …

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Clean Installation of Windows 2000 Professional

Licensing Agreement. If you agree with the terms, select I accept this agreement to continue with Setup. Select Special Options. Use this screen to customize Windows 2000 Setup, language, and accessibility settings for new installations. You can set up Windows 2000 to use multiple languages and regional settings if you …

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Why is Commercial Disinfecting Important for your Business

A person that is an owner of a business has several obligations. That same person has to understand that one of the most important obligations is to protect its employees and provide them a safe environment at all times. Not only is this better for the workers of the company, …

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Can Disposable Masks Be Reused After Sterilization

The coronavirus pandemic has introduced several lifestyle innovations. The recommended social distancing has led us to the fact that many of us still work from home. Also, almost all of us wear protective masks. Different types of masks cover the faces of people around the world. However, the question arises …

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Create Your Website

If you want to create a website, and you find that there are various ways to do it. This article will give you a step-by-step guide on three of the most used methods when creating a website. Let’s get started. Method 1: Create a Site with WordPress WordPress is one …

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How to Write a Thesis Without Losing Your Mind

A thesis or dissertation is one of the most valuable forms of writing students should perform at the end of their degree. Writing a thesis is the biggest responsibility because it shows your skills and ability to dive into a career as a professional. This article presents the top ten …

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5 Signs Your Essay Is Going to Fail

Writing an essay is complicated, but it is never difficult. However, when you are writing on an academic level for a dissertation, an application, or something similar, it becomes a much harder task and you will need 100% of your focus to ensure that you are not going to fail. …

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