Why Build Your Customized Ecommerce Website?

The Covid-19 pandemic hit everyone hard, especially businesses that had no online ventures of their own. Everything that was bought offline before has now turned into online shopping. As such, anyone who doesn’t build an online platform for their business will incur severe losses. According to statistics, the sales for …

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The 5 Best Tradesmen to Have on Speed-Dial

The responsibility of being a homeowner is quite significant and most likely among the biggest investments one will make in his or her life.  To safeguard your investment, proactively taking care of your property is particularly important.  This involves taking the right steps to quickly resolve problems when they arise …

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Partitioning for Windows 2000

Preparing the Hard Drive Some of you may be thinking that partitioning your hard drive with the Fdisk utility, or performing a clean format of your hard drive is a monumental, if not impossible task. Rest assured that with some careful thought and prior planning, it’s easy. Carefully planning your …

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Does Extreme Couponing Really Save You Money – 2024 Guide

The entire world is living in the aftermath of the global outbreak of COVID-19, which is why you might have started looking for different ways to save money. Besides saving on gas and ensuring that your utility bills are lower, you might have also started thinking about using coupons as …

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Windows 98 Second Edition Programs

Windows 98 Second Edition  This is the Programs.txt File that you will find on the Windows 98 Second Edition Stallation CD Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition README for Programs Information April 1999 © Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1999 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft Windows 98 …

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Windows 2000 Setup and Startup

Windows 2000 ProfessionalUnderstanding the various phases of Setup and Startup The Phases of Setup The following will provide you with a brief description of how boot drivers and Plug and Play devices are loaded during the text-mode and graphical user interface (GUI) mode phases of Setup, along with a description …

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Award and Phoenix BIOS FAQ

Award PC BIOS Frequently Asked Questions   Award Software has merged with Phoenix Technologies, therefore their resource pages have been combined. Because Phoenix out-sources software, they usually will refuse to provide you with specific answers to your questions. There are several general issues which are addressed below, where you will …

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Is It Smart to Give Out your VIN Number

Selling a car that is not in use can earn great profits. It will clear up some extra space in the garage and will also give an opportunity to invest in something else. But selling a car is not something one should be worried about. It’s the basics of how …

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Hard Disk Sector Structures

A sector is the basic unit of data storage on a hard disk. The term “sector” emanates from a mathematical term referring to that pie shaped angular section of a circle, bounded on two sides by radii and the third by the perimeter of the circle – See Figure 1. …

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The PC-100 Standard

The PC100 Standard The memory chips used on memory modules are not the only determining factor when calculating the speed of memory. The speed of the memory chips is only one of several factors in the overall equation. Other factors include the quality and accuracy of the individual chips, the …

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