The entire world is living in the aftermath of the global outbreak of COVID-19, which is why you might have started looking for different ways to save money. Besides saving on gas and ensuring that your utility bills are lower, you might have also started thinking about using coupons as a way to keep some cash when grocery shopping.
However, if you never used these printed discounts before, you might be wondering – will extreme couponing actually save me money? To put it simply, it will certainly preserve some money from your budget, but it’ll depend on the type of couponer you want to be – which is exactly what we’ll discuss in this article today. So, let’s take a look:
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Your Saving Will Depend on The Type of Couponer You Are
The very first thing that you should know is that there are four types of couponers and this is exactly what will determine how much money you can actually save. The first two types are already well-known, but the other two are also becoming increasingly popular. The four types that you might come across are the following:

1. The Casual Shoppers
Amount Saved: Minimal (A Few Dollars Per Purchase)
The very first type is actually what most of us are, casual shoppers that don’t take more than 10 printed coupons with them when they’re grocery shopping. If you fall into this category, you’ll only be saving a few dollars on the full cart of items that you’re planning on purchasing.
For example, let’s say that you want to purchase a computer. You can find various vouchers for Lucky Bike at But, you won’t be using more than one voucher, which means that you’re a casual shopper that strives to preserve at least some cash on the purchase you make.

2. The ‘Stay Away From Brands’ Shoppers
Amount Saved: Medium (From $200 to $400 Per Month)
This is also one of the categories that most individuals find themselves in, and this particular type of shoppers learned that they could keep a lot of money if they purchase usual brands over one that is extremely popular – which applies even if they have vouchers for well-known brands.
Since they’ll only purchase generic brands, they end up saving approximately 200 to 400 dollars every month. For instance, if you’re planning on purchasing some snacks for a movie night, you could choose to use a coupon that’ll allow you to get a generic mix of snacks for $1.50, instead of buying a bag of snacks from a well-known company for $1. You can also use the coupons and enjoy the product for a more affordable price. For more information, you can visit
The problem with this type of shopping? Well, a lot of people do prefer to buy things from companies that are well-known, however, this type of purchasing is extremely suitable if you have to save some money for a few months. Keep in mind, you could also buy branded goods with your vouchers, but, this won’t preserve a lot of money.

3. The ‘Only on Sale’ Shoppers
Amount Saved: Amazing (70% to 95% Per Purchase)
If you figure out how to do it, you’ll be capable of saving big portions of your budget and you’ll also be capable of purchasing generic and branded goods. Different things go on sales all the time and when they do, the ‘only on sale’ shoppers take advantage of these circumstances.
They manage to combines a discount period with the vouchers they obtain, which means that they could purchase a single product for a few cents. People in this category always follow different stores in order to learn when there is a sale, and by doing so, they could end up saving 70% to 95% of their purchases.
Keep in mind, they only purchase when items are on sale, and more importantly, they always combine a discount period with the coupons they can use. Additionally, you’ll have to gather a lot of vouchers and organize them, which might take you several hours per week, but it’ll definitely be worth it at an end of the month.

4. The ‘Get if For Free’ Shoppers
Amount Saved: Incredible (Sometimes The Stores Ends up Owing Them Money)
Last on our list, and definitely, a type we all know is the ‘extreme’ couponers. The individuals that fall into this category utilize the manufacturer’s vouchers with one that is provided by the store, and they also utilize 2 vouchers on purchase-one get-one-for-free deals.
Basically, they combine all the three previous categories and they’re taking certain measures to ensure that they can get several deals on one purchase. After all, they’re drives by the fact that they don’t want to get one deal, instead, they strive to get several of them at the same time.
Their ultimate goal is to combine all the types of vouchers that they could obtain – the ones coming from the store and manufacturer, as well as the sale offered by the market – and use them for their purchases at the same time. This is something that could help you save your entire budget, however, you should know that it’ll take you a lot of time to organize and collect the vouchers, which means that you’ll need a lot of patience as well.

So, I Can Save Money?
Yes, no matter what type of couponer you are or no matter what type you’ll become, you’ll be capable of saving money if you use different vouchers when purchasing different things. Keep in mind, you’ll probably need some time to get used to the entire process however, once you do, you’ll probably never purchase goods without vouchers again.
Depending on the amount of money you want to save, you’ll also need a suitable strategy, which is why you should ensure that you read a lot of how-to guides and you should also watch different tutorial videos that’ll teach you how to gather, as well as organize all of the vouchers you have.
If you choose to use coupons when you purchase different goods, you’ll be able to save big chunks of your monthly budget. No matter what shopper category you fall into, you’ll definitely be capable of saving money and more importantly, you’ll have a lot of fun during the entire process.