cls MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: CLS Purpose: Clears (erases) the screen. Discussion Erases all characters and graphics from the screen; however, it does not change the currently-set screen attributes. Example Enter cls to clear the screen of everything but the command prompt and the cursor.

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Type: External (3.0 and later) Syntax: GRAFTABL [(code page)] GRAFTABL [/status] Purpose: Loads a table of character data into memory (used with color/graphics adapters). (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion Used to load the table of displayable characters to those appropriate for …

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deloldos MS-DOS Command

Type: External (5.0 and later) Syntax: DELOLDOS [/B] Purpose: Deletes all files from previous versions of DOS after a 5.0 or 6.0 installation. Discussion During an upgrade installation of DOS 5.0 or 6.0, your previous version of DOS is stored in a directory named OLD_DOS.1 and on uninstall disks created …

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emm386 MS-DOS Command

Type: External (5.0 and later) Syntax: EMM386 [on|off|auto] [w=on|off] Purpose: Enables or disables EMM386 expanded-memory support on a computer with an 80386 or higher processor. Do not use this command when Windows is running. Discussion The EMM386 device driver, EMM386.EXE, provides expanded-memory support as well as access to the upper …

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numlock MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (6.0 and later) NUMLOCK=on|off Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the state of the NumLock key. Discussion NUMLOCK=on causes the NumLock key to be ON (the number keys on the keypad will be active) upon system start-up. NUMLOCK=off causes the cursor keys on the keypad to …

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msav MS-DOS Command

Type: External (6.0 and later Syntax: MSAV [d:] [/S|/C][/R][/A][/L][/N][/P][/F][/video][/mouse] MSAV /video Purpose: Scans your computer for known viruses. Discussion MSAV will scan the specified drive for known viruses. If no drive is specified, the current drive will be scanned. MSAV creates a CHKLIST.MS file in each directory that is scanned …

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mem MS-DOS Command

Type: External (4.0 and later) Syntax: MEM MEM [/program|/debug|/classify|/free|/module(name)] [/page] Purpose: Displays the amount of installed and available memory, including extended, expanded, and upper memory. Discussion Used to display a variety of types of information about how your system is using available memory. Options /program – Specifies the name, location, …

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menucolor MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (6.0 and later) Syntax: MENUCOLOR=textcolor,[background] Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the colors that will be used by DOS to display text on the screen. Discussion The MENUCOLOR command can only be used inside a menu block within your CONFIG.SYS file. The colors specified will be …

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include MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (6.0 and later) Syntax: INCLUDE= blockname Purpose: Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to allow you to use the commands from one CONFIG.SYS block within another. Discussion The INCLUDE command is very useful if you find you are repeating the same commands within your CONFIG.SYS file. You can put …

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shift MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: SHIFT Purpose: Increases number of replaceable parameters to more than the standard ten for use in batch files. Discussion Usually, you can only enter up to ten parameters at the time you start a batch file (%0 through %9). Use this command to shift …

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