Removing (or adding back) the Log Off User option in the Start Menu Open the Windows Registry Editor (Regedit) and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Next, in the right hand pane of regedit, create a new DWORD value and name it: “NoLogOff” Now right click on the Dword entry and select modify …

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Windows NT Shutdown Related Registry Keys

Windows NT Shutdown Related Registry Keys Auto Reboot on BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl] Disabled “AutoReboot”=dword:00000000 Enabled “AutoReboot”=dword:00000001 “End” not responding applications at shutdown [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop] Disabled “AutoEndTasks”=dword:00000000 Enabled “AutoEndTasks”=dword:00000001 [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop] “WaitToKillAppTimeout”=dword:Milliseconds to wait to kill nonresponding applications. Setting this key affects all users. It can also be …

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Use Fast CPU Priority

How About Speeding Up By Using The Fastest CPU Priority Open regedit and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\BIOS In the right hand pane create a new DWORD Value called “CPUPriority” (no quotes) Now double-click on it and check the Decimal box and type 1. Now close and save the registry! This should …

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Adding Protection for System Files

Adding Protection for System Files To enable protection on system files such as the KnownDLLs list, add the  following value: 1. Open RegEdit 2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager 3. Create the a Dword value and name it “ProtectionMode “ 4. Set the Value to (one) 1

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Preventing Users From Changing The My Documents Path

Preventing Users From Changing The “My Documents” Path Someone in your household or office changing the path for the “My Documents” folder? Are your network users changing the locations of My Documents on their local machines? As you know, if users right-click the My Documents icon on their desktops and …

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Turning Off (or On) the Windows Animation

Turning Off (or On) The Windows Animation You can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximize Windows. 1. Open RegEdit 2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel \Desktop\WindowMetrics 3. Create a new string value “MinAnimate”. 4. Set the value data of (zero) 0 for Off 5. Or (one) 1 …

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Adding items to “Send To”

Adding new items to the “Send To” Menu One of my favorite tips of all time deals with the SendTo menu. If you only have the default shortcuts in there, you’re missing out on a world of functionality. You could be putting shortcuts in there for various (common) applications and …

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Adding the Print Directory Feature to Windows Explorer

Adding the Print Directory Feature to Windows Explorer From time to time we all need to dig into some directories to find a file, or see if a file has been added or deleted, and sometimes it would be real handy to be able to click on a folder (directory) …

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Frequent Lockups in Word

Frequent Lockups in Word Versions Recently more and more people have been complaining that their versions of Microsoft Word, including Word 2000, have been locking up either immediately upon opening, or shortly thereafter. Although there can be a whole range of reasons for this to happen, we have found that …

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Problems with the March 2000 Release of Tweak UI 2000

March 2000 Release of Tweak UI 2000 If you installed the March 2000 release of Tweak UI 2000, you have probably noticed by now that you are having problems with it. Possible problems are: When you attempt to use it, it politely informs you that its use has expired, or …

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Sahifa Theme License is not validated, Go to the theme options page to validate the license, You need a single license for each domain name.