Operating Systems and their File Systems

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! When preparing a segment such as this, an adequate discussion tends to blur the line between hardware issues associated with hard disks and the software issues …

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Backup MS-DOS Command

Type: External (2.0 and later) Syntax: BACKUP [d:][path][filename] [d:][/S][/M][/A][/F:(size] [/P][/D:date] [/T:time] [/L:[d:][path]filename] Purpose: Makes a backup copy of one or more files. (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion The first path and filename(s) you enter identify the disk file(s) to be backed …

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Changing the Internet Explorer Connection Limit

Changing the Internet Explorer Connection Limit The HTTP 1.0 specification allows for 4 concurrent connections from a browser to a web server. HTTP 1.1 decreases this to 2 concurrent connections, which means that at any given time, up to 2 files can be downloaded at the same time. Although we …

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BIOS Power-On Self Test (POST)

BIOS Power-On Self Test (POST) If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! The first thing that the BIOS does when the PC boots is to perform what is called the Power-On Self-Test, or POST. When the PC goes into …

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How Fat is the Fat – The Windows File Allocation Table

What is FAT and And just how fat is it? If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! For the uninitiated, FAT means File Allocation Table. In order to understand what the File Allocation Table is all about, you must …

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graphics MS-DOS Command

GRAPHICS (or Screen Print) Type: External (2.0 and later) Syntax: GRAPHICS [printer type][profile] [/B][/R][/LCD][/PB:(id)] [/C][/F][/P(port)] Purpose: Provides a way to print contents of a graphics screen display. Discussion After using this command, pressing Shift + PrtSc (or calling for a printout using some application programs) prints the screen contents on …

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Installing a DIMM Memory Module Correctly

The instructions on this page provide general installation and handling information, and are intended to be used in conjunction with your models specific owner’s manual. Installation Procedures 1. Place the computer’s power switch in the off position and disconnect the AC power cord. 2. Remove the computer’s top cover following …

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rmdir MS-DOS Command

RMDIR (RD) (Remove Directory) Type: Internal (2.0 and later) Syntax: RMDIR [d:]path Purpose: Removes a subdirectory. Discussion RMDIR removes directories that are empty. To determine if a directory is empty, use the DIR command to display the directory’s contents. For example, to determine if the directory NEW is empty, enter …

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Windows 2000 Technical Help Support Pages

Technical Help Support Pages *Developed by DEW Associates Corporation The following pages and the information provided therein should not be construed in any manner as “Official Microsoft Customer Support” pages. The information and data found on this and all other similar pages at this site has been gathered from many …

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Memory Latency and Application Performance

Application Performance and Loaded Memory Latency Application execution times are influenced by many factors, including processor frequency and platform efficiency. For most desktop, workstation and server applications, the memory latency or delay seen by the processor core while running actual workloads (i.e., loaded latency) dominates platform efficiency. Main memory latency, …

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