Hard Drive Glossary

Hard Drive Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notice: The information provided herein is presented as is and without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In …

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Hard Drive Glossary

SECTOR A sector is a logical segment of information on a particular track, and is the smallest addressable unit of storage on a disk. Tracks are divided into sectors, with each sector 512 bytes long. They contain data, but also contain information as to where the data is located, among …

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join MS-DOS Command

Type: External (3.1 and later) Syntax: JOIN d: [d:path] JOIN d: [/D] Purpose: Allows access to the directory structure and files of a drive through a directory on a different drive. (In DOS Version 6, this program is stored on the DOS supplemental disk.) Discussion After joining a drive to …

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Server versus Peer to Peer

Peer-to-Peer versus a Client-Server Every network, regardless of whether it is “peer-to-peer” or “client – server” based requires some form of special software in order to control the flow of information between the users being networked. A Network Operating System, or “NOS”, is installed on each computer requiring network access. …

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Making Windows Explorer work as you wish!

Making Windows Explorer work as you wish! If you have been accessing files on your Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 based computer, you have no doubt done so using Windows Explorer. When using Windows Explorer, it typically opens to the default view displaying the contents of …

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DMA Controllers

DMA Controllers If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: The system has detected an error associated with the direct memory access (DMA) controller(s) on the system motherboard. Diagnosis: In almost all cases, this a motherboard problem, but it …

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An explanation of, and the relationship between the Run, RunOnce, RunServices, RunServicesOnce and Startup Registry keys

An explanation of, and the relationship between the Run, RunOnce, RunServices, RunServicesOnce and Startup Registry keys Many times we have been asked how these keys effect the operation of Windows, when they are loaded and in what order. The following information should provide you with a better understanding of these …

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Network Cabling

A Quick Review of Cabling and Hubs What you should know about Cabling and Hubs! The two most popular types of network cabling are twisted-pair (also known as 10BaseT as shown on the left below) and thin coax (also known as 10Base2 as shown on the right). 10BaseT cabling looks …

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Computer and Internet Services

A sampling of the services we provide.. Regardless of whether you are a first time computer user, power user, business user or Internet gamer, we are dedicated to providing you with quality equipment and components along with excellent service and reliability. You won’t find any flashing lights, neon signs, cute …

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1U Rack Socket 1366 Xeon Servers

  starting price: $5399.00 Processor family: Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v2 product family; Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 product family Number of processors:  1 or 2 Processor core available: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 Form factor (fully configured): 2U Power supply type: (2) Common Slot Expansion slots: (6) Maximum**For detail descriptions …

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