How to Make a Positive First Impression Every Time

We can talk all about the dangers of being prejudiced and how it’s not cool to judge a book by its cover, but there’s just one tiny problem…biology. The human brain, which has evolved over thousands of years, consists of two key systems. There’s System 1, which is the brain’s …

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How Much CBD Oil Should I Give my Dog?

We all love our dogs but with great love comes great responsibility and we need to care for them a lot. If you notice that your dog is suffering you need to go to the vet immediately. Depending on the condition, the vet will recommend CBD oils because they have …

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How to Pay for College Without Taking Out Student Loans

Many students leave college with $20k, $30k, or even $100k or more in student loan debt. And even with a high-paying job directly out of school, it can take years to pay off these loans and move on with your life. But what if there were a better way? The …

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How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online for Free

Every year there are more and more new payment methods in the world. But there is still no universal, user-friendly way. User preferences change depending on the country and the device from which they are accessing the site. Very close to the ideal are credit cards, the popularity of which …

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Decorative Lighting for Homes and Offices – 2024 Guide

There are several reasons why homes and offices require different kinds of lighting setup than the usual. These indoor spaces require attention to detail as most of the time is spent here throughout the day. Homes, in particular, require a subtle, ambient, and warm lighting layout that matches the mood …

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How To Be More Sexually Confident In Bed In 5 Easy Steps

Being confident in bed doesn’t mean that you automatically are a beast in bed it just means that you are comfortable in your body. Without being comfortable, you can not be relaxed and you will not get the enjoyment that you strive for. Everyone has things they are not happy …

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Does CBD Interacts With Your Medications?

With the illicit use of cannabis in several US states, cannabidiol has gained widespread attention for its potential to ease symptoms of health ailments. People shop online at to buy CBD capsules, topicals, and other CBD products to get their therapeutic effects. But does it interact with other medications? Cannabidiol, …

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How To Regain Your Confidence In Bed After A Period Of Abstinence?

Many reasons lead to a break in sexual activities. Sometimes it’s age, sometimes a painful break-up – and sometimes having children, or simply a routine. Restoring passion after a period of abstinence is not always easy. And how can you regain passion and boost your confidence in bed after a …

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How To Tell If A Japanese Samurai Sword Is Real Or Fake

Japan carries such rich heritage and interest in folklore that people worldwide have heard of a Japanese sword at least once in their life. They mostly also wanted to own one at a point in their lives. Japanese culture has influenced many areas of western life and has made its …

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9 Tips How to Cultivate a Following as an Author

As an author, you can land more book sales and get new deals if you have a sizable social media following. You’ll also get more crowdfunding opportunities – and possibly new ideas as recommended by your most loyal readers. But how exactly do you cultivate this following if you’re starting …

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