Why Flipping Houses Rarely Pays Off (and What to Do Instead)

The idea of flipping houses is incredibly attractive. You buy a house for a low price, you spend a few weeks fixing it up and making it look beautiful, and you sell it for double or triple what you originally paid, making back all the money you spent fixing it …

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Top 8 Chests of Drawers for your Storage Needs

Renovating your home may be one of the most exciting things that you can do, but it can be a very annoying process as well. You are making your place look the way you wanted, but without a proper plan, the experience will not be enjoyable. While improving the design …

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How to Keep Your Purse Organized Consistently

Purses are incredibly useful for helping you keep all your essential items in one place and stay adequately equipped while you’re working, shopping, or going out for entertainment. Unfortunately, because purses are so useful and so accessible, they often become disorganized quickly. Even after a thorough cleaning or getting a …

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How to Pitch an Article Idea to a New Publisher

One of the best strategies for popularizing your blog or just generating more website traffic is getting your writing published with external publishers. Before you can get an article published, you have to make a pitch and get that pitch accepted by an editor. What’s the best way to write …

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Licenses for Fintech Formations and Banking Structures

The Fintech industry continues to grow rapidly, with new Fintech companies emerging in 2019 and 2024. Every day a new Fintech appears which competes and does not allow existing players to relax. It is becoming more and more difficult for new Fintech startups. Everyone should have a “zest”, and if …

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Possibilities to Invest in Fund Entities in Luxembourg

Deciding which European state to open a firm in to conduct successful and secure commercial operations, many entrepreneurs concluded that company registration in Luxembourg would help achieve these goals. Luxembourg is considered globally as one of leading jurisdictions in Europe regarding investment funds concentration. Such associations in the Duchy cover …

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7 Easiest First-Person Shooter Games For Beginners

There’s a learning curve to every video game. You have to play for a while before you become decent at it, and no matter the game, you have to play for quite a long time before you become really good at it. However, there is no denying that some games …

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A Day of the War – The Liberation of the Auschwitz Birkenau Camp

On January 27, 1945, the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was captured by Soviet Army soldiers. In order to respect and preserve the memory of all the people murdered by German soldiers and criminals there during World War II, in November 2005. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution on the International Holocaust …

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The Magic of New York at Christmas

Bells are ringing, and snow is falling, and yes! It is that time of the year, Christmas. Many things made us excited during this period, including the pine trees. New York is unique during Christmas because it has a magical touch compared to none. Growing up, some of us would …

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