Finding a suitable exercise routine for losing weight is moderately simple, however, learning how you could do this while keeping your muscle tone can be quite daunting and complex. Although this isn’t a simple task, it’s entirely feasible for you to lose pounds without sacrificing muscle.
What will you have to do? Well, for starters, you’ll need to have a lot of patience, and more importantly, you must come up with a plan for your workout and nutritional regime. To make reaching your weight loss objectives easier, here is a list of top tips that you must follow if you wish to keep muscles intact during the process:
Table of Contents
1. Consuming Proteins is Crucial For Success

If you wish to preserve your muscle tone, one of the most significant things that you need to do is to consume proteins. This suggests that, from the nutritional aspect, the factor to losing pounds without sacrificing your muscles is implementing sufficient proteins in your daily meals. Now, even if you didn’t yet come up with a suitable training routine, the pounds you drop will be fat instead of muscle tone, and this is only by modifying the protein consumption.
The question here is, how much of it do you need to consume. For most individuals that are in this situation, ingesting anywhere from 0.9 to 1.4g of protein per kilo of your total weight should be adequate for maintaining your muscle tone. You should remember, that if you’re over your BMI, you must use your goal poundage to estimate how much you should consume per day instead of using your actual weight.
2. Improve Your Potency And Stamina
Although this may seem quite obvious, it’s worth mentioning – having a suitable and well-designed exercise routine is one of the most essential things that you could do to preserve your muscle tone while losing kilos. However, we aren’t talking about a simple workout regime, instead, we’re talking about power training and advanced pressure overload that’ll help you preserve your tone.
What does this imply? For instance, if you work with the same amount of weights for 15 reps each day, your body won’t create new muscle fibers, mostly because the same amount won’t be challenging for it. On the other hand, if you opt to raise the amount you lift or if you do so for longer, your body will start creating muscles. This can also be said for maintaining them, hence, assure that your body has a good reason to maintain your muscles.
3. Reducing The Carbs You Ingest Could Be a Mistake

Yes, you’ll need to reduce the calories you ingest so that you could lose pounds, but determining how much you need to reduce them is crucial. This indicates that there are various types of calorie deficits, going from small to big. Various sizes will suit different individuals, hence, you must ensure an average deficit, mostly because it’s perfect for retaining muscle. Hence, anywhere from 15 to 25 percent below your upkeep level is adequate.
For instance, if your usual upkeep level was 3000 carbs, and if you wish to make a depletion of 20 percent, you should consume 2400 per day. Keep in mind that a more elevated deficit could impact the weight loss process, and other things such as your mood, hormones, liquid retention, sleep rate, and energy levels, thus, you shouldn’t implement it, mostly because it’ll stop you from achieving your objectives.
4. Eat Properly Before And After The Workout Sessions
The food you consume before and after training aren’t the number one factor when it comes to losing pounds, however, they’re just another element of your overall diet that’ll guarantee that you lose pounds without sacrificing muscle. Due to this, the food you consume prior to and after your workout sessions matter. Eating properly before you exercise will give you the fuel you require, and consuming a good meal after you’re finished will help your body heal. Thus, consume carbs at least 1 hour before you start.
5. Allow Your Body to Rest When Needed…

As we mentioned, your body will require a lot of time to heal, particularly if you implement calorie depletion or if you raise the volume of your workout. This is one of the primary reasons why you mustn’t overwork yourself, instead, you should take breaks when you need to. You must remember that you’ll want to read more about specific exercise models and how you could guarantee that you get the rest needed for healing.
6. …And Know When to Take “Diet Breaks”
Besides taking a breather from exercising, you should also take one from the new diet you implemented. Why? Well, although it’ll do wonders for your goals and muscle tone, it might hurt some other aspects of your body, including your hormone levels. Because of this, it’s necessary that you take a so-called diet break. It’ll require you to pause the calorie depletion for a duration of one to two weeks.
By returning to the upkeep rank you had prior to losing pounds, you’ll permit your body to recuperate, indicating that your immune and hormonal functions will get back to their previous state. This could be quite beneficial, especially when it comes to maintaining muscles. To accomplish this, you’ll need to raise the number of carbs you ingest for at least seven to fourteen days. The commonness of such breaks will rely on the preference you have, and naturally, your objectives.

Although it could be extremely complex and difficult to reach your ideal weight without losing muscle tone, it is feasible. And, if you opt for following the tips we’ve mentioned in our list above, you’ll make the entire process easier for yourself, but more importantly, you’ll guarantee that you don’t lose the muscles that you’ve been building.
By now, you’re most likely well aware of the tasks you could – and definitely should – do in order to achieve your ideal BMI without sacrificing muscles, you shouldn’t waste any more of your free time. Instead, you might want to start with the first tip we’ve mentioned – which is calculating and determining how much protein your should consume each day.