Characterset Comparison Chart

Character Set Comparison Chart The chart below provides a comparison of the data mapping of several common Western character sets. Only the printing characters are shown here. Notes: The character codes are listed in hexadecimal. Only a small portion of the Unicode set is displayed. Specifically, only the printing characters …

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Keyboard Key Lock Locked

Keyboard Key Lock Locked If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: The system is detecting that the key lock on the front of the computer’s case is locked, and therefore will not boot. The error message usually refers …

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Fixed Disk Configuration Error – Hard Disk CMOS Mismatch

Fixed Disk Configuration Error – Hard Disk CMOS Mismatch If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: Most, if not all, systems automatically interrogate and examine the IDE hard disk(s) in the system and compare their geometry to the …

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Performance Related Windows Registry Keys

Performance Related Registry Keys File System Caching [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management] IoPageLockLimit”=dword:LockLimitValue00000000 The LockLimitValue can be: 4096000 for a system with 32MB RAM 8192000 for 64MB RAM 16384000 for 128MB RAM 65536000 for 256MB RAM Change to increases file performance. Configuring contiguous file allocation size [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem] “ContigFileAllocSize”=dword:00000200 Including this option increases …

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Introduction I would like to thank Tom McFadden (mechBgon of the AnandTech forums) for the numerous hours he spent (during his vacation!) helping me edit this article into what it is now. In early PCs, the various components had one thing in common: they were all really slow :^). The …

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Floppy Disk Has No Boot Sector

Floppy Disk Has No Boot Sector If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Explanation: The BIOS POST process found a floppy disk to try and boot and operating system, however it couldn’t locate a boot sector from which to …

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Binary and Decimal Byte Equivalents

Binary and Decimal Byte “Equivalents” If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! It is an interesting coincidence that every tenth power of two is approximately equal to every third power of ten. This has resulted in two different definitions …

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Creating an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) for Windows 2000

Creating an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) for Windows® 2000 An Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) contains information about your computer’s setup and the files that have been installed. Though a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 based computer rarely crashes, it is possible. Be prepared! If you create an ERD after installation of the …

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Microsoft Data Access Component Issues and Articles

Microsoft Data Access Component “MDAC” Issues and Articles There are presently three releases of MDAC that are available: Two releases for MDAC 2.1 and the Release To Manufacturing (RTM) release of MDAC 2.5. You can also review and download the release manifests for MDAC. A Release Manifest is designed to …

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100 Pin DIMM

100 Pin DIMM 100 Pin DIMMs are primarily used in printers. It comes in both 64 bit and 72bit ECC configurations, and is available in memory ranges of 16 to 128 megabytes. The SDRAM chips used on the 100 Pin DIMM are typically SDRAM in TSOP packaging. Both FPM and …

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