Tag Archives: Documents

15 Tips for Getting Permanent Residency in the U.S.

Have you always dreamed of becoming a U.S. resident? After all, the United States is one of the greatest countries in the world. Fortunately, anyone can apply for legal residency for living in the U.S. The key is to understand the application process and then carefully follow the steps for …

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Ways to Locate a Lost Title Insurance Policy

It happened to everyone that we folded some documents that we urgently needed. At that moment, it seems to us that nothing can be done about it, but be patient. Even when it comes to insurance policies, there is always hope of issuing a copy. Title Insurance is a document …

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How to Take Control of Your Auto Insurance Claim

Getting in a road accident is a common thing viewed from a larger perspective. It happens to someone every day. But, it never gets less stressful, especially if you know that you are the one who made the mistake and you’re now left with all these costs and fees to …

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What to Bring to Your First Family Law Consultation

If you’re wondering what kind of situations can lead you to your first family law consultation, the answer is: oh, so many of them – starting from divorce, through the custody battle, to child support issues. The specific period you’re going through will be difficult and challenging enough for you, …

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5 Common Reasons for EB-3 Visa Application Denials in 2024

Many foreign nationals consider the United States of America as the land of opportunity. But the biggest hindrance to getting a job abroad is the employment visa. Everyone knows that applying for a visa would not be as easy as you are thinking. And yet, to receive a denied visa …

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